This Week in Tarot: May 14 – 20

The Power of Tarot

This week we are working with the Animal Medicine Cards. Each card includes an animal and their wisdom and magic. There is a spread that has seven placements (corresponds to seven days in a week), and I will be using this spread with the day and evening cards as usual. After reading each day and each card, sit in silence and allow each animal to speak to you about the meaning of not only the cards but also what their placement means to you. In the end, the connected dots of your life seem to appear. To all who love animals, enjoy “This Week in Tarot.”

Want to know more? One of our tarot card psychics are standing by to read for you!

SUNDAY (Your Past)

DAY – BUFFALO (PRAYER & ABUNDANCE). The White Buffalo is the most sacred. When it appears in a reading it means prayers have been answered. It is a time to share the richness of all races, creatures and nations. Being asked to pray for another when the Buffalo appears means you can help heal through your prayers as your past carries many legends of great warriors. EVENING – TURTLE (MOTHER EARTH). The turtle is a teacher with patience and security. You can count on the Turtle to give you information that will help to elevate your life condition. It might come at a slow pace but this way the knowledge is understood and can be given from one generation to the next. Who have you learned from? Who keeps your wisdom scared?

MONDAY (Your Present)

DAY – DOG (LOYALTY). Delving into your sense of service to others comes to the forefront today. Today is a day where showing humility will enlighten your heart. The dog energy is one that embodies the gentleness of a best friend. Therefore, you should be in the moment with those you love. EVENING – DOLPHIN (MANNA). The breath of life. Being aware of your breathing flow gives you balance and allows for flexibility to come easy—just like the rhythm of the Dolphins as they jump in and out of the water. The Dolphin links you to children. It is the carrier of messages so listen in the stillness of the night to hear the message just for you.

TUESDAY (Your Future) 

DAY – OWL (DECEPTION). The night is the time the owl enjoys most. With sight only in the dark, symbolically this card is guiding you to go within, where the only light is the bulb of spirituality. Therefore, cast out the deception of past experiences so that the truth can emerge. This card is about your future. The path you take can be dark and full of obstacles, or it can be dark with a clear opening to the light. The truth always brings further enlightenment. EVENING – TURKEY (GIVE-AWAY). The motto of the Turkey is “Do unto others and feed the people.” The Turkey gives his life so that others may sustain theirs. Without hesitation, offerings come to you. You get, you give, and so on. This is the future vibration for the rest of this month.

WEDNESDAY (The Pattern/Life Lessons Moving Through Your Life)

DAY – MOUNTAIN LION (LEADERSHIP). This is a heavy card, and it holds a deep message. Do you feel like you’re on Survivor with a target on your back? The Mountain Lion does not panic, and you’re moving through this phase. There is so much to do and think about! You are in a major shift in your personal life. Still, others may try to hold on to you in unhealthy ways. Start balancing your purpose with your belief system. It’s also time to push the cubs out of the cave. EVENING – HORSE (POWER). Caring, teaching, loving and compassion are the gateways to power. Using your gifts will certainly advance your spiritual energy, for you are the instrument of the Great Spirit. You are a dream walker, moving through life and healing those in need. Meditate tonight about the shift in your life as you take possession of your newfound abilities.

THURSDAY (Challenges Conquered or Lessons Completed)

DAY – THE WOLF (TEACHER). Even with a built-in GPS (pathfinder) one of your most challenging times is finding your way to new destinations. However, being very diligent and aware of your destination is a lesson you are glad you understand. Tonight, the tribe leader sends the wolf to enlighten you to your own compass. EVENING – ANTELOPE (ACTION). The Antelope is your centering tree. Therefore, the message is not to wait any longer—you have a guide to show you the way. Therefore, take the action you need without fear. The time is now. And if you are in love with someone but have not told them, you better get to it.

FRIDAY (What is Working for You)

DAY – HUMMINGBIRD (JOY). Did you know that love charms used to be made from hummingbird feathers? They certainly possess magical qualities, and having a hummingbird’s energy gives you a loving power—one where others trust in you and one that helps people bring out the best in each other. In a way you are a magical cupid also in the guise of a hummingbird. EVENING – JAGUAR (INTEGRITY/IMPECCABILITY). The message from this beautiful animal is to live life with compassion and to live up to the integrity of your human potential. This placement is certainly a good one as you possess the skill set that makes the world a better place to live.

SATURDAY (What is Working Against You)

DAY – WILD BOAR (CONFRONTATION). Confrontation doesn’t work well for many. Therefore, on this day be mindful of your words. With many types of boars, the powerful medicine applies to all Warrior Clans. When this card shows up it is time to confront those who you fear. If you embrace your issues you can certainly reclaim this spirit guide’s energy. EVENING – BLUE HERON (SELF-REFLECTION). The beauty of this water bird is much like the mirrors of the quest of life—it can work against you if you do not like what you see in the mirror. Therefore, on this night when the light of the moon reflects the glimmer on the water, take a good look and restore your power.

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6 thoughts on “This Week in Tarot: May 14 – 20

    1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic -quinn

      Hi Anita,
      Thank you so much for being a CP Blog fan.

      Have a wonderful week.

  1. Denisha

    Psychic quinn,
    I love your Tarot for the week. It is so insightful and full of wisdom. Thank you for sharing with us.

    Love and Light,

    1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic -quinn

      Dear Denisha,
      I still remember the reading you gave me –
      Thank you for your support and kind words.

      Have a great week,

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