Portland Tarot: December 22 – 28

Portland Tarot: December 22-28 | California Psychics

The Power of Tarot

As I look out my window, Wy’east beckons. That’s the Native American name for Mt. Hood, looming over Portland. It’s always huge and majestic, but covered with snow it glistens mysteriously and enchantingly. The Native American Klickitat tribe celebrate its supernatural way of disappearing behind clouds, then reappearing spookily when one of the Great Spirit’s sons inhabits it for a while.

As a haven for the different, we locals celebrate the holidays in an eclectic way. Old Town hosts the last Saturday Market from March till the Saturday closest to Christmas. There you can find handmade pottery par excellence, Buddhist iconography from the international district, and every imaginative Hanukkah and Christmas gift for those who love the recycled bizarre. This week Hanukkah, Solstice, Christmas, and Kwanzaa all coincide in the same week of celebration!

Jump on your bike and ride with me now through the streets of downtown and let’s see what and who we meet. What clues will they have for us about the week ahead? Once again, we are using the Portland Tarot by Theresa Pridemore and Jamie Morris as our guide.

December 22 – Sunday

The House of the Seeker (Hierophant)

Today we are told to reach out to mentors and teachers and to keep seeking and loving the truth. Keep in mind, though, that our interactions with masters and teachers form a model for how we can become our own authority. Expand your knowledge today and make a plan to do so in a focused way in the coming New Year. The card tells us: “Avoid the trap of dogmatism. There is more than one right answer.”

December 23 – Monday

The Vista Bridge

We may feel the need for encouragement today. As we reflect over the past year, challenging family drama, loss of a relationship, or addictions may loom large in our consciousness. Keep in mind that this viewpoint is fleeting and is shutting out the wins that the year also contained. Through the dark, a loving hand is reaching out to us. It could be our Higher Power, an angel, a guide, a deceased loved one, or a living, breathing friend. Take the hand and let the love stream through to your center. Help and healing is on the way fast.

December 24 – Tuesday


A dreadful thing when it comes to human interaction, Judgment in the Major Arcana is quite a different animal. It means going from one level to a higher and better one. A breakthrough has occurred! Ride the energy to better times and take those you love with you as you go. Today’s card speaks of new life directions, releasing burdens, and being forgiven. Answer the call to your destiny. You can do this by acknowledging your gifts.

December 25 – Wednesday

The St. John’s Bridge

Today brings transformation and your heart’s desire! Romance and creativity will be highlighted. Something wonderful is coming down the pipe. It could be a move, a new lifestyle, or a new career. Maybe, it’s all three, after all, it’s Christmas! The card tells us to reach out for the miracle of new growth and to stay ever green. The key is letting creativity flow, whatever you are doing.

December 26 – Thursday

Mt St. Helens (The Tower)

Chaos today could feel scary. Something deep within, long suppressed, is coming to the surface in you and your environment. Remember to breathe and stay in tune with your guidance. The shift that is coming is a moment of revelation that will create drastic change. The change is for your highest and greatest good and is not to be feared. It will bring freedom and newness onto your horizon.

December 27 – Friday

The Weird

Today will bring a walk between the dimensions. You may sense the presence of the dear departed around you. This is a sweet opportunity to make connection with the beyond. Be open to omens containing spirit communications from those who have crossed over. This could come as a repeated sequence of numbers on your phone or computer, an unusual flower, insect, bird, or song. What is sure is that it comes to mind in a powerful way. Believe in the message because it will be of love and comfort. Those in spirit who are still close will want to let you know that fact as they gather close to you now. Enjoy the communion.

December 28 – Saturday

The Star

This card is an omen of things to come. The New Year will hold the realization of a high and priceless dream coming true. Renewal, hope, and healing are likely. Visualize your good in a way that is true to your heart and goals. Don’t compromise by buying into mass consciousness about what is best and possible. Create a vision board for the future year today with specific symbolic images of joy, peace, and success! Remember: “Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles.” (Terence McKenna)

Give this spread a Try!

The Backwards Day Spread

Mix your cards up gently and lay them (this time) face up on the table in front of you. Have your question in mind, and as you meditatively sort through the images one will jump out as being pertinent to the issue at hand. Don’t over-think this.

Meditate on the card’s image and let it tell you through the colors, figures, feeling-tones, and the suit it belongs to, what it thinks about your problem. Let the images interact with you.

Then, go back and check the interpretation for that card to see what further insights come up on this issue.

You can use this more than once at a sitting, if a day has contained multiple issues you’re grappling with.

When you’ve received the insight you’re looking for and feel complete, close the deck and relax! You’ll be amazed how the energy has shifted and solutions start to unfold.

Well, time to get inside and warm up. Happy Solstice, Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa! Hope to see you again.

Looking for a deeper connection to Spirit? A tarot card reading is your answer. Tarot cards give you a direct connection to Spirit so you receive profound insights into your past, present, and future. Our tarot card psychics interpret Spirit’s messages for you so you know what you’re getting is the unadulterated truth.

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2 thoughts on “Portland Tarot: December 22 – 28

  1. Psychic Adrianna

    Hi, Casey-
    At this time the Portland Tarot is only major arcana but its creators are working on a full 78 card version.
    Glad you enjoyed!

  2. Casey Kavanagh

    Thanks Adrianna,
    How can I get one of your decks.
    It brought in site from the arcana.
    Amazing energy, positive, and helpful for
    assisting one to move forward fearlessly.




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