Golden Tarot: December 29 – January 4

Golden Tarot: December 29-January 4 | California Psychics

The Power of Tarot

Are you meditating in blissful solitude on a mountain peak or partying down in town this week? Maybe, both?

Well, Happy New Year 2020!

This week we visit the Golden Tarot created by Kat Black. Kat states in her guidebook that she sees this deck as not so much a predictive tool as an interpretive one. In other words, we can use the images to illuminate situations that actually exist right now.

She designed the deck to be representative of imagery from the Medieval and Renaissance period that was as easy to read as the traditional Rider-Waite!

Let’s go on a ramble through the medieval streets and stash all our problems in the Fool’s knapsack. The Golden Tarot will illuminate their solutions for us. I have the feeling we’ll return with lighter bags and start the New Year afresh!

December 29 – Sunday

Nine of Swords

Spirit is saying to us today that if severe stress seems to have descended out of nowhere we should hang on and endure for a short while. The sleepless times are opportunities for quiet and creative thinking when the atmosphere is most clear in the “wee hours” of very early morning. The card is telling us to keep a journal of brainstorms that arrive because they are actually inspirations from guides, angels, and Higher Powers. It could be a time of trial, but it will be over in the Universe’s perfect time. How can we turn stress into creativity today?

December 30 – Monday

Two of Swords

We may be called upon to make the best of a “not too great” situation today. The ability to compromise gracefully and see the big picture will bring good results. If we can do this, the flow of events will lead to integration of seemingly irreconcilable differences. This will happen automatically if we can stay the course and be correct and firm. What dilemma in your life is the card’s message answering?

December 31 – Tuesday

Queen of Wands

An ally emerges with a fiery nature. She could be an Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius. The card says we can trust this person because she has a noble nature. In this card she is surrounded by red angels glowing in the darkness. She is strong and sensual, but red is the color of love and generosity in this depiction, not of destructive passion or anger. Who is this in your life?

January 1 – Wednesday

Nine of Cups (New Year’s Day!)

Good health and good fortune ring in the New Year. The card is telling us to make sure we include joy, fun, and celebration in our day because New Year’s Day is a microcosm of what we want more of in our lives for the coming year! New friendships will form in situations and settings with parties and conviviality, if we are open to them. Let the games begin.

January 2 – Thursday

The High Priestess

This is a day to develop our spirituality through meditation, visualization, and prayer. It is a balance to the possible excesses of yesterday’s festivities and also is a great way to plan out what we want to manifest in the year to come. This can be done in solitude, in nature, or in a group with sacred surroundings. The card tells us to listen to inner guidance and not brush it off. It may be a good day to consult with an oracle or a spiritual adviser.

January 3 – Friday


No worries! This is not a card about physical death. This card refers to the death of what we can no longer use and enjoy in our lives. This could be a social routine, clutter around our homes, unfulfilling relationships, or worn out things and ideas that no longer work for us. We are being told in this card to let go of what is “dead” because it will inevitably lead to fresh rebirth.

January 4 – Saturday

Five of Coins

Two beggars seek solace in a cathedral in this deck’s depiction of the Five of Coins. It is a card of spiritual poverty which, ironically, will lead to great blessings and happiness. As the beggars realize the depth of their destitution, the light of direction and understanding beams through the stained glass. They are about to emerge endowed with what they desperately seek by acknowledging their poverty and being humble and openhanded. The card tells us that the attitude of real humility will bring huge rewards in an important situation today.

A Fun Spread to try when you are stuck:

Creative Blockbuster Spread

This is a spread by Theresa Pridemore and Jamie Morris. It is a three card spread that you can use when you’re feeling an energy block in an important situation in your life.

Shuffle the cards well and concentrate on the block you are feeling. When you are ready, randomly pull three cards from the deck and lay them face down horizontally, left to right.

  1. Card one/Left- The block

Turn the card over and meditate on the images. See both the hidden and obvious messages it contains for you. Really take your time and let all the shapes, colors, and symbolism speak deeply to you.

  1. Card two/Middle- The key to inspiration

This is what you really want to focus on. This is the crucial turning point in the situation. This is the key to unraveling the block.

  1. Card three/ Right- What is waiting to be expressed?

Voila! This is what the situation promises after you break through. Hold up the problem to the light of the Blockbuster spread and burst on through!

Well, this is where I turn off. It’s getting a bit cold and dark already. Thanks for coming along with me today.

May the Universe flash the Green Light on all your goals for 2020!

Looking for a deeper connection to Spirit? A tarot card reading is your answer. Tarot cards give you a direct connection to Spirit so you receive profound insights into your past, present, and future. Our tarot card psychics interpret Spirit’s messages for you so you know what you’re getting is the unadulterated truth.

Learn more about how psychic readings work backed by real testimonials, and read through our Psychic Tools & Abilities Blog for more insight on tarot readings.

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