Red Responds: He Doesn’t Want Just One Woman

Zhey in Tucson writes:

Me and my boyfriend of 4 years broke up. He said the reason why he ended our relationship is because he’s not contented with one woman. He said he wants to have fun still and to date different women. I’m not sure if he’s really serious. He said he’s the type of a guy who doesn’t want committment. Do you think he will change and we will be back together?

Dear Zhey,

I’m very sorry to have to tell you this, but your ex-boyfriend is trying to be as honest as he can be, without being any more cruel than he has to be. Your ex is enjoying his freedom, and that isn’t likely to change in the near future. He is not at a place in his life where he wants the responsibility of a committed relationship.

I know that it may be hard for you to understand and accept, but his feelings toward you aren’t the same as they once were. He tried very hard to be happy and content in the relationship you shared, but the love he once felt for you shifted from passion to friendship.

The only way he can truly discover if he can regain the love and passion that drew you together initially, is to be free and experience other women. Unfortunately, while this is a necessary process for him, it doesn’t bode well for a reunion of the two of you.

Sometimes the hardest thing about loving a person is letting them go. While you will hurt, the pain will subside and then you will heal. Not all love lasts. Not all relationships are capable of, or meant to withstand the test of time. The sooner you can make peace with this, the sooner you can move forward in your life. It may take a little bit of time, but you will find love again, and a lover who will cherish you, and you alone.

Brightest Blessings!
Ext. 9226

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