Red Responds: He’s Scared of What Could Develop

Janet in New York writes:

I’ve been interested in a man for a couple of years. I had not seen him in over a year, and I recently ran into him twice in one month. I was just wondering if there is any possibility that we can reconnect as I feel strong chemistry with this person. I feel he feels it too but is scared of what could develop. Please advise…

Dear Janet,

There is no lack of chemistry between the two of you and the connect you feel is real, and Karmic. I don’t claim to understand the vastness or power of the universe, but I do have to sit back on occasion and chuckle at how small the world can become.

You can expect to run into this man a couple of more times over the next six or so weeks. It’s almost as if he has to trip over you a time or two more before he comes to the conclusion that maybe he should ask you out.

While this isn’t the best timing in the world for him, it also isn’t the worst. Because of this, you really need to put on your game face. His energy, particularly in the romance and relationship arena, is quite timid. If you appear too forward or interested, he will run.

There’s a lesson in here for you as well. You tend to be pretty straight up with people. While that is awesome and a huge part of you, with this guy – you need to be coy.

The connection and interest is there on both sides. The universe is presenting the opportunity. But, the outcome of all of this still remains to be seen. I can tell you that you two are being given the chance to come together and to explore the possibilities. However, the beginning stages of what could be a pretty dynamic relationship is a fragile path that needs navigated very carefully.

The best I can tell is you is that he needs to take the lead, and you must allow yourself to be lead without expectation. Take it light and take it slow, and you increase your chances of success.

Brightest Blessings,
Ext. 9226

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