Psychic Q&A: Shoes and Psychic Abilities

Funding His Dream

We’d like to introduce you to a new series called, “Psychic Q&A.” We will be sharing questions from readers, just like you, who are looking for psychic advice. If you have a question you’d like answered, email it to

Dear Psychic Melissa,

I’m at a career crossroads, and I’m wondering where I should focus my energy. I’ve spoken to a few psychics and they have all said that I should develop my psychic abilities. I am clairvoyant, clairaudient, and empathic. I have started using tarot cards and have given my friends and family readings. The readings have been pretty accurate, but I am not sure if I am going down the right path. I’m also really passionate about this footwear line that I’ve been working on since I was a teenager. The only thing holding me back with that is my current financial situation. I would like to have a clear understanding of my potential paths, so can you tell me how to achieve the most success and fulfillment?



Psychic Melissa ext. 6418 responds:

Dear J.E.,

Your dream of developing your shoe line is certainly not at odds with growing your psychic abilities. It seems that the Universe has supplied you with a way to help others that can also generate extra cash to fund your dream. In fact, your goal of developing your shoe line may fuel your growth and development of your psychic abilities.

While your abilities grow, and you gain more clients, your income will also grow. You may even consider working for California Psychics in the not-too-distant future! What it comes down to is a) you have a project that requires cash, and b) you have a marketable skill that you can absolutely use to make that cash. However, you don’t have to make psychic readings a full-time or permanent career, but you can them as a stepping stone to bring you closer to fulfilling your dreams.

A reading with a career advice psychic and a life path psychic can help you fine-tune your strategy, so be ready to take the many opportunities that will come to you as you work towards your goal.

Good luck to you on your journey!


Do you love what you do? If you could use more money, a better work/life balance or a title that fits your skillset, a career advice psychic reading can make it happen. All you need to do is pick one of our career advice psychics and they’ll do the rest.

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California Psychics is the most trusted source of psychic readings. We have delivered over 6 million discreet and confidential psychic readings by phone since 1995. More than a prediction, we are your guide for life’s journey. Serenity, happiness, and success are just a phone call away. With over 400 psychics online to choose from, you’re sure to find the best psychics for you. Call one of our trusted and accurate psychics today! Confidential and secure, real psychics, accurate predictions, 100% guaranteed.

5 thoughts on “Psychic Q&A: Shoes and Psychic Abilities

  1. Cherry

    I love that they answer a few questions for people. Its a nice thing to do. On that note, I guess it doesn’t hurt to ask. Will I ever find love again and make enough money to allow me to move and take care of myself?

  2. Lisa Ann

    Why every psychic says that I will win lottery as rich? And not clear about my future love? Like should I stay with my partner or what but I have very deep feelings with my ex date in the past that I want him back. And they say my life will be happy? Really . I don’t see any future smooth transition for me and also I have no feelings in the future where I wish for long time.

  3. Crystal Fairfield

    I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I keep tryin to loose the weight with only small success, just to gain it back. In some cases I gain back double what I lost. I want to know what to do to loose the weight and keep it off? What can I do to unlock this prison of weight and be free of it forever?

    1. dmarantz moderator

      Thanks for writing, however, our psychics are not allowed to provide any medical or health advice. However, if you’d like to discuss the underlying mental/emotional or life path issues, they’d be happy to read for you.

      Have a great day!

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