The Art of Non-Attachment

Many spiritual books and meditations these days talk about incorporating the Buddhist art of non-attachment into our everyday lives as a means of relieving stress. For some, this process may bring up visions of having to give away all of your personal possessions and move to a mountaintop.

If that doesn’t quite sound like the choice for you… don’t worry. Practicing non-attachment doesn’t mean that you stop wanting things – it means that you’re open to what the Universe has to offer you, and the possibility that life can be different and better than you’ve imagined. Non-attachment teaches us how to get out of our own way and stop limiting the outcomes of our dreams, goals and wishes to our own constrained ideas. Read More!

8 thoughts on “The Art of Non-Attachment

  1. RG

    Hi GINA…..
    HAPPY HAPPY Birthday to you! Hope it was a fantastic one.
    I’ve been trying to get on your waitlist for Monday….but woman, your so busy! LOL
    Guess thats a good thing….any tips or ideas on how I can get through to you? Do you do appointments outside of your scheduled time? Please let me know, I’m anxious to speak to you.
    P.S. I always knew you weren’t a day over 29…you look fantastic.
    Keep smiling (I always am lol)

  2. Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi RG…..
    Glad he called….timelines are really not important…it’s the end result I’m known for…..
    I’m on vacation…..the 18th was my birthday ( 29 again )…so I took a long weekend…..I’ll be back on Monday 21st.
    Ok….I’ll keep smiling if you do too !!!!!
    Hugs…Gina Rose ext.9500

  3. RG

    Guess what???? He called lol.
    Just like you said….timeline was slightly off, but it happened.
    I’m trying to get in a call to you, but your just so busy…..I hope to chat with you soon, I really need some guidance and advice.
    I hear your going on vacation….have an awesome time. I’m eagerly waiting for your return.
    Keep Smiling,

  4. Fran

    Hi Maryanne!
    You reminded me of a line quoted by Bette Davis (at least I’m pretty sure it was Bette….if not, someone please correct me) ……
    “Fasten your seat belts….it’s going to be a bumpy ride.”
    I guess when we hit those “bumps in the road,” the best thing we can do is fasten our seat belts and hang on tight, because sooner or later we’ll be on that smooth stretch of road enjoying the drive once again.
    Great big hug,

  5. Psychic Maryanne Ext. 9146

    “Getting out of our own way”-what an important lesson for all of us. Why narrow our possibilities by clinging tightly to parameters that destine us to fail and prevent us from seeing the abundance around us?
    Bumps in the road are just that-bumps in the road.

  6. The Lovely Duckling

    That was a great article!
    I have found that since I started to detach from many really unimportant things and only focus on what is truly important in my life, my stress level has gone way down. Instead of trying to micromanage my life in ways that were completely impossible, I am far more open and adapt my life to whatever is going on around me. Even though everything in life isn’t ideal, I am so much happier.

  7. Lisa

    Non-attachment was how I managed to get through my divorce. To accept the things I cannot change and allow the universe/my energy to guide me.
    Wow- what a great article.

  8. Gina Rose ext.9500

    One of the BEST articles I’ve read yet…..I teach my students to ” be present in the moment “… detach and offer it up to the Universal higher power. I’ve taught this theory for decades now…with great success.
    Good, good article…..I must make note of it’s author for future reference.
    Blessed Be )O(…Gina Rose ext.9500


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