Speak Your Peace

Opening Up to Real Communication

Regardless of the situation, few things are worse than feeling as though you cannot express yourself and then allowing a person or situation to get the best of you. It has been said that you cannot control what others think and do, only yourself, so take charge and communicate what you want!

An Affection for Reflection

You don’t want to go into a conversation half-cocked when something important is on the line. Make sure you know exactly where you stand on the issue and what you want to get out of the situation. Be confident in yourself and in your feelings; you have a right to them, and a right to express them, no matter how uncomfortable it may be to others. You want to be able to vent what’s necessary so that you can make peace with it and your feelings about it and not harbor resentment over things left unsaid.

Find out where you’re going with a detailed astrology forecast from Psychic Marilyn ext. 5364.

Speak Out

Be clear about what you want and how you feel. Not only will the other person understand you better, but expressing yourself and getting it all out there is extremely cathartic. Even if the other person doesn’t agree with you or worse, judges you, this is more about you making peace with the situation. Control what you can—your feelings and actions—and be proud of and confident about your choices.

Is stress running your life? Get a reading from Psychic Megan ext. 5621 to remove doubt and uncertainty and reduce your stress!

Fast Forward

Once you have fully expressed yourself, you are free to move onwards, and upwards. Whether that means with the person (and with a stronger foundation than before) or without them (if you feel you have learned all you can with this person). Whatever the outcome, this personal journey towards self-confidence and self-expression strengthens and prepares you for the myriad life experiences and relationships that await you in the years to come.

Is love just around the corner? Get a reading from Psychic Venus ext. 9463 and find out!

2 thoughts on “Speak Your Peace

  1. kashish dharmani

    Unable to understand what I thouht about my career n my life love life both is missing. restless


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