Just Say It!

Clarifying Communication as Mercury Turns Direct

After a three-week retrograde period, Mercury resumes direct motion on July 20, ushering in what should be smoother sailing. However, as the planet of communication remains in the sensitive sign of Cancer until August 8, tact is still of the utmost importance if you want to achieve your goals smoothly. How can you ensure success when it comes to what you say? Read on to find out!

Be Honest, But be Kind

During the course of the retrograde, you’re likely to have realized some things about yourself. These realizations may be pressing you to make changes and those changes may need to start with revealing yourself to a person or some people in your life. That’s fantastic news! The catch is to temper how you share your revelations. It would be easy to spit out “You’re driving me crazy and this isn’t working.” However, a measured approach will get you a lot further. There’s no need to sugar coat your feelings. In fact, the only thing worse would be to remain saccharine and phony. Remember the old adage: You’ll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

On that note, while you’re being kind about your truth, remember to still…

Be Assertive, Not Passive Aggressive

Nothing will annoy people more (particularly on the heels of three weeks of upheaval) than a nonsense, half-cocked approach. If you want or need something, say it. Ask nicely. Insist upon it even, but never, ever, drop not-so-subtle hints or worse, say nothing and inflict your anger on people who have no clue why you’re mad! You can’t expect people to read your mind or your signals. You have only your word to go on when it comes to getting what you need or want. Use it!

“Communication is the key to confidence.  Know yourself, find your voice, speak up and be decisive.” – Psychic Deejay ext. 5435

Be Sensitive, But Not Emotional

Finally, while you’ll want to take people’s feelings into account (including your own) in making the transition back to Mercury Direct, you want to avoid coming off as unhinged or overly emotive. Be calm and concise when you express yourself, even if you have to practice all alone in the mirror first. It’s easy to get riled up when you’re discussing revelations or situations that require amending. Better that you say very little and stay focused (aware there will be another occasion to finish the conversation) than squeeze out everything you want to say so angrily or teary-eyed that no one can actually hear it. People hear tone as much as content when you communicate. Remember that now and always!

“Using your intuition means eliminating emotional reactions. If it’s emotional, it’s not psychic.” – Psychic Priscilla ext. 5637

3 thoughts on “Just Say It!

  1. Sherry

    I believe you to be a good astrologer, but what needs to be addressed here is that with Mercury now direct, yet squaring disruptive Uranus and in opposition to karmic and explosive Pluto, this is a time for everyone to keep your eyes open and your mouths shut. This eruptive T-Square will dissipate away as Mercury moves forward, however, right now it is best observe and think, then speak later to avoid words said that cannot be taken back once voiced. Be careful out there–for about another week. Once we get past the Full Moon at the first of next week all will gradually settle down if you think now and speak what needs to be said later. Good luck everyone.

  2. LJ

    S.K. this is an excellent article on expression and communication and explaining how Mercury retrogrades work in our lives. I love your articles!


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