Jupiter Goes Retrograde

Jupiter goes retrograde today, and will stay in this position until November 18.

Jupiter is the planet of material wealth and success; its retrograde position suggests a backing away from focus on dominance of the material world… and a chance to refocus on the spiritual. Now is the time to tend to the intangibles, like what’s going on in your own heart and mind and the hearts and minds of those around you.

It is not the time to start new business ventures!

What do you think… what does Jupiter Retrograde hold in store for us?

One thought on “Jupiter Goes Retrograde

  1. thelovelyducklingthelovelyduckling

    And just when I was trying to straighten up and fly right…a few different retrogrades to contend with. Aside from not trying to start new businesses, what else should we likely rule out during Jupiter’s backward dance?


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