Your Daily Focus: July 6-12

Your Daily Focus: July 6-12 | California Psychics

Understanding Your Daily Focus

Greetings and welcome fellow Seekers,

This week finds us with a Waxing Crescent Moon, and this is where my mind wandered during my meditations for this daily focus. The Waxing Crescent is so often overlooked but can be just as important in our lives as the New or Full Moons that we all seem to pay so much attention to.

Just as changes and growth in our lives start with small steps, so too does the transition from New Moon to Full, and the waxing phase is the celestial equivalent of the changes in perspective and the choices that we make to infuse our lives with abundance and growth.

This is the time to enact new intentions, whether that is just envisioning what we want our lives to look like tomorrow or starting to take the needed steps to make it a reality.

July 6

“Be in the moment and hear your truth.”

Before we can be ready to plan how we want our tomorrows to look like, we need to truly know who we are; right down at our core. Learning to be honest with ourselves about ourselves is the key to living life to its fullest. This is the time to take a deep breath, relax, and then turn inward to hear what your heart and soul are trying to tell you. Hear your truth and get ready to live it! Today’s word is Authentic.

July 7

“And suddenly, you know…it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.”

Now that you have heard that inner voice it is time to believe in yourself and the process. Taking those first, uncertain steps can be so frightening, but the excitement that comes when we start can truly seem magical indeed. We don’t need a wand or Fairy Godmother to live a magical life. Today’s word is Creator.

July 8

“Speedbumps are not always there to stop our progression, but instead to help us to slow down and truly see what is before us.”

So many times we feel that we have hit a roadblock or have lost our drive to accomplish what we desire, when instead it is the Universe slowing us down a bit so that we can truly learn the lesson that we need to take the leaps forward, just down the road. Think of those speedbumps as positive aspects of your growth and you will never find yourself dreading those slowdowns again. Today’s word is Patience.

July 9

“Everything that seemingly happens externally is occurring in order to trigger something within us, to expand us and take us back to who we truly are.” -Anita Moorja

So much happens in our day to day lives that can pull us from our focus and ultimately from being who we are supposed to be in this lifetime. When this happens, the Universe will try to help nudge us back on the right track, by bringing situations, opportunities, and people into our lives. Sometimes they appear as challenges that may make us feel as if we are doing everything wrong, and we will never find our way. Take heart and know that you are making the right choices and steps, and never be afraid to grow. Today’s word is Catalyst. This sentiment leads us directly to….

July 10

“Step out on faith and walk into your purpose.”  -Germany Kent

Sometimes it can be so HARD to keep moving forward and follow our dreams. Keeping an open mind and open heart will always help to keep you inspired until you learn what your purpose is. Sometimes that purpose will change as we grow and reach our goals. There is no end to our potential purposes in this life. Today’s word is Conviction.

July 11

“You don’t need endless time and perfect conditions.”

If we wait for the perfect time and conditions, we will always find an excuse for why we are not moving forwards in our lives. You can make big changes in your life in 10 minutes, if that is all you can manage. Don’t put off the potential of a life that you LOVE, because it is raining today, just grab your proverbial umbrella and go play in the puddles. Today’s word is Aspiration.

July 12

“Every sunset is an opportunity to reset.” –Richie Norton

Every night we get a chance to reflect on what we have accomplished, and determine if it moved us further in our journey to being the best version of ourselves. Some days we will be able to say that we had a GREAT day, but other days we won’t. But guess what? That is OK! Each day we get to learn from what we experienced and then decide to shift our game plan for tomorrow. Today’s word is Renew.

Take a look at how far you have come this week and pat yourself on the back for being ready to make tomorrow yours!

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