Be Your Own Hero

You are the Hero of Your Life

It can seem much easier and far more romantic, to have someone else rescue you and be your hero. However, there is nothing empowering about relying on others to fight your battles. It also severely handicaps your spiritual growth. Instead of looking to others for help, try looking within yourself. You’ll be surprised at what you’re capable of when you take care of yourself instead of letting someone else do your courageous “dirty work!”

Embrace Curiosity

With curiosity comes courage. It opens your mind up to new ideas, people and lifestyles. You are essentially inviting the unknown into your life. The more you experience, the less fear you’ll have of the unknown, and the more power you’ll give yourself to accomplish your goals and conquer challenges.

Increase Gratitude

Without appreciation, the world seems bleak, and any accomplishments we have achieved in life are in danger. If you can’t be grateful for special people and opportunities, you will eventually lose them. Make an “Appreciation List” and honor it. Not only will this bring more things into your life to be grateful for, but it will also enhance your positive outlook on life!

Learn to appreciate what you have! Psychic Michelle ext. 5396 can help.

Rise to the Challenge

Instead of selling yourself short or telling yourself you can’t do something, just give it a shot. Be smart and brave in your approach and you will always come out ahead. Even if you don’t reach your goal, take pride in the fact that you challenged yourself and gained new tools and knowledge along the way. That’s still extremely empowering.

You can achieve your goals with a step-by-step plan from Psychic Yvonne ext. 9883!

It’s Time to Own Up

Take responsibility for your faults and mistakes. You can’t change or learn from what you won’t admit to. Own up to the things you need to work on and then work on them! Mistakes are an integral part of life, so recognize them and use what you’ve learned to propel yourself forward. Don’t take any time to obsess over your mistakes and berate yourself for them.

“We are 100% responsible for what we have! ” – Psychic Shyla ext. 5431

Remember Your Affirmations

We become what we think, so stop criticizing yourself! Be aware of areas in need of self-improvement, but love yourself too. Perfection doesn’t exist, so stop using your imperfections to punish yourself and instead, focus on your strengths. You’ve created the life your currently live, so become a conscious and constructive narrator. Make that affirmation list and repeat it to yourself throughout the day, every day. This is one of the most powerful tools in creating the best you possible.

3 thoughts on “Be Your Own Hero

  1. maria

    I just feel like complicated, I married and he is nice guy but there’s a time I am turn off with him, I don’t know why, and accidentally I met guy he is very obsessed to me he love me very much,, but I am married and he knows that, but still he don’t care even though I am married, and also I met again guys who can give me nice life and opportunities, I am complicated now but I have no feelings to him, but I wanna grab to this opportunity, I don’t what to do, do you think its ok to grab this, scared something.

  2. Anne

    I’m trying to embrace that I’ve created the life I now have. However, there is a ‘but’.Life is also formed by the people surrounding us. For example, the person I married. None of us quite know what we are getting when we marry and how that person will shape our future. I am leaving a marriage of 27 years because I am not happy in this life that we have created together. It is the most difficult heart breaking
    thing I have ever had to do. Be careful who you marry. They create your life too.


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