30 Simple Ways to Empower Yourself Now

Learn how to become a stronger person. Here are 30 simple ways to empower yourself and find an inner strength you may have never known existed.

Find Your Inner Power

Moving from “I would like to be a stronger person” to “I am a strong person” can be a very long journey. That’s why we came up with these 30 simple ways to get empowered now. Don’t let their simplicity fool you! These are some very powerful tools to use for each day of this month, or any month.

November 1
Decide to uncover your soul’s greatest desire this month… and do it! You have to know what you want in order to get it! Get some help revealing your soul’s greatest desire. Talk with Psychic Taylor ext. 5322 to break from barriers.

November 2
Make note of what you want your life to look like when it comes to work, love and your personal life. Make note of where those things are now.

November 3
Exercise for an extra 20 minutes… even if that means you’re exercising for 20 minutes!

November 4
Take one active step to get closer to your ideal work life. For instance, clear the clutter from your desk… even if it means working through lunch.

November 5
Take one active step toward your ideal love life. Start with conducting yourself in the manner your ideal partner would conduct him or herself.

November 6
Choose to be happy today. No matter what irks you, don’t let it get to you. Get personalized advice, contact a psychic today!

November 7
Set your alarm for 10 minutes earlier than usual, and when you get up, meditate for five minutes before starting your day.

November 8
Take responsibility for your role in your relationship (or lack there of), for better or worse. By acknowledging how you contribute, you can start to improve!

November 9
Release any anxiety or discomfort you may be feeling with a few deep breaths into each of your chakras.

November 10
Pull your own Tarot card and meditate on whatever feelings it brings up.

November 11
Think back on something that once inspired you. Re-introduce it into your life.

November 12
Act rather than react.

November 13
Remember your centered intention. If you have to, post it (or a visual reminder of it) nearby so you can see it all day.

November 14
When in doubt ask yourself: Is doing (insert action here) in line with my highest good?

November 15
Choose your words carefully. Be honest, but tactful.

November 16
Surround yourself with your favorite friends or family members. There is immeasurable benefit in spending time with your tribe.

November 17
Rather than waiting to say what’s on your mind in a conversation, listen carefully to what others have to say before forming a response.

November 18
Commit to reflecting your core beliefs in your actions.

November 19
See your energy increase. Cut your processed/junk food intake and add an extra glass of water.

November 20
Ask someone you respect their secret to happiness and make note of it. There’s value in learning by example.

November 21
Give to someone in need. Whether it’s a dollar to a homeless person, prepping Thanksgiving dinner at a soup kitchen, or a shoulder to cry on.

November 22
Before the madness, take a moment to be in your body. Be grateful for exactly where you are… as well as where you’re going! Has the madness already caught up to you? Let Psychic Josslyn ext. 5470 help you make sense of it all.

November 23
However small, do something to improve your surroundings. When you enjoy being in your space, you’re bound to be happier.

November 24
Get out of bed and stretch your body. Take a few deep breaths and expand your mind.

November 25
Prepare yourself for the holiday onslaught. Organize your plans and make room for exercise.

November 26
Look back on the month and think of two things you’ve accomplished. How did you do it? How can that translate to further progress?

November 27
Make a mix of your favorite music. Listen to it to get ready for your day.

November 28
Remember that anything is possible—if you’re willing to make it so.

November 29
Ask yourself what was your worst moment in life so far and what did you learn from it? If you’re not sure, what can you learn still?

November 30
Rain, snow, sun, whatever—take a walk around the block, and don’t rush it. Even nature’s harshest elements are a fundamental part of our beings.

4 thoughts on “30 Simple Ways to Empower Yourself Now

  1. Helen

    Reading this and understanding that I have to remain strong through out month and keeping myself ready for the unexpected. I know I can and going forward is becoming better for me then before.


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