Can You Tell if Somebody Will Cheat From Their Voice?

Can you tell if your partner will cheat on you just based on their voice? A new study published in Evolutionary Psychology suggests that that just might be the case. The ranges of pitch that suggest possible infidelity are different for men and women, but the underlying message is that people tend to make unconscious judgements as to whether or not their partner is likely to cheat on them based on the tone of their voice.

The Daily Loaf reports:

A new study published in the journal Evolutionary Psychology had participants listen to a series of voices and decide which ones were most likely the voices of cheaters. The study found that women believe men with lower voices are more likely to cheat while men think that women with higher voices have a higher risk of infidelity.

Voice pitch is just one of many characteristics that shapes a person’s sex appeal and their potential as a short or long term mate. In terms of evolution, researches have generally agreed that the optimal mating strategy for humans is to secure one or more faithful long term partners while having a series offlings with individuals who have enhanced sex appeal. Because men and women have opposing interests, both have evolved subconscious strategies for reducing their partner’s indiscretions, thus limiting the occurrence of cuckolding for men and the destruction of long term relationship investments for women.

A deep voice in males has long been correlated with enhanced sex appeal as it is a clear indicator of increased testosterone levels. However, women also believe these deep-voiced men have a higher potential to be unfaithful, and thus may not make for ideal long term mates.

What do you think—can we actually tell if somebody is likely to cheat based on their voice? Or is it simply imagination?
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One thought on “Can You Tell if Somebody Will Cheat From Their Voice?

  1. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500


    The question posed was : What do you think—can we actually tell if somebody is likely to cheat based on their voice? Or is it simply imagination?

    My answer is no, not really……some of the nicest men I ever knew or met had very deep mellow voices. In fact, I’m very attracted to men with deep voices. A nice deep mellow voice, to me, is more important than overall looks.

    But, in the end, it’s all about how they treat you, not their voice or looks.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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