The Switch: Artificial Insemination Trend

Is the movie “The Switch” (and similar films) casting light on the growing trend of women choosing artificial insemination instead of waiting for Mr. Right to show up?  The Guardian reports:

Ah, summertime, a season of sun-dappled beaches… and artificial insemination movies? The arrival of “The Back-up Plan,” “The Kids Are All Right” and the forthcoming “The Switch” indicates more than a minor rustling of cultural anxiety. By gesturing towards a certain kind of independence for women – that they can bypass romantic partnerships with men when having babies – while still limiting their characters to many of the reductive romantic comedy conventions, these films illustrate the conflicted state of feminism, masculinism, and the couple in the 21st century…

It’s not surprising that, for the sake of male egos everywhere, these movies appear to pitch a kind of sexual self-service situation for the ladies, but then subsequently revoke that offer. Although they threaten to take the men out of the mix altogether, they ultimately ease up on that threat.

Clearly, the recent surge of reproductive technology has raised the spectre of the abolition of men being “men” and women being “women,” particularly in their having standard baby-making relations.

What do you think – does this signal a shift in social attitudes around having children? And in what direction?

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2 thoughts on “The Switch: Artificial Insemination Trend

  1. Jacqueline

    Hi Krishna Bill,

    This defiantly does offer options, one thing too, is that perhaps this will cause men to start to step up in giving more to there partner, releasing ego, therefore coming from the heart, this is where true loving relationships flourish, then… there is no need for artificial insemination.

    Blessings and Big Hugs!
    Jacqueline x9472


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