8 Tips on How to Get Closer to Your Guy

8 Tips to Get Even Closer to Him

According to Cosmo, getting closer to your guy or putting the moves on him (guy romance) can be as easy as licking froth off an espresso, or sucking on your fingertips as if they were strips of bacon. However, if you prefer to be seen as more than just two legs with a target plastered at their connection point, I highly recommend trying a couple of these moves instead.

“Scarf Some Grimace Proportions”

This is one of my favorite quotes from the film, European Vacation, and I think it is appropriate here, because every guy will love a girl who knows how to eat. It is great to be healthy. However, every now and then a guy wants a girl to let loose on her fork like a shark at a pool party. Guys imagine that a woman who is open to all life’s pleasures will extend those tendencies while in the bedroom. I’ll leave it at that, as we are now heading back into Cosmo territory.

Whisper a Secret in His Ear

Whispering in a guy’s ear is an aphrodisiac in two ways. One, the warm, tingling sensation of a woman’s breath is like sneezing without all the mess. Two, anytime that you have the chance to share something fun, yet private, it gives guys a stake in the relationship. Secrets help couples bond by creating a sense of trust and intimacy. If you can get him to tell you a couple of secrets in return, you’ll increase his stake even more.

Challenge Him

Guys are naturally competitive creatures. While watching a football game in his underwear will decrease his available testosterone, getting him in front of a pool table or dart board will actually increase it. As you know, testosterone equals sexual interest, which means that you will get the same positive reaction as licking froth off your nose, while perched on a kitchen tabletop, holding a copy of the Kama Sutra, although much more subtle.

Unleash Dirty Talk While He’s on the Phone

I’m not talking about being annoying while he is talking to his mom or boss, but rather giving him a quick goose that will put a smile on his face, and then just walk away. Studies show that men are turned on by the idea of exhibitionism or public sex, and this pleasure can be mimicked by offering a little dirty talk when his mind is supposed to be on other things.

Lower His Expectations, So That You Can Exceed Them!

Guys are notorious for getting their expectations knocked down after being built up to impossible levels. Girls drive men crazy when they tease about having a really big surprise for him. The truth is, the best surprise comes when he thinks that he is going to drive his mother-in-law to get a colonoscopy and you end up taking him to an afternoon Lakers game. This is what I like to call the “old one-two.” You start by lowering his expectations with a dreary outlook, and then surprising him with a date that will feel like a party at Hugh Heffner’s Playboy mansion.

Give Him a Guy’s Night Out

Normally, a guy has to jump through hoops to earn himself a legitimate guy’s night out. In addition to this, most guys get a little lazy when it comes to making plans with friends. This adds up to those guy’s nights becoming a little scarce over time. To get on his good side, all you need to do is buy him tickets to a game, and give him your blessing to take a couple of his friends out as a stress reliever. This kind of move shows a guy that you’re paying attention to what makes him happy.

“Keep your partner happy by being happy yourself.” – Psychic Blythe ext. 5339

Support His Hobbies (Even if They’re Weird or Annoying)

Men are used to women complaining about their Star Trek/Star Wars fetish or muscle car hobbies. This makes it all the more pleasant when a girl takes an interest in these hobbies and actually helps him to excel in them. This releases any of his worries that she won’t try to change him, which is something that a lot of women do to these guys.

“Each person within a partnership should be recognized and appreciated for the strengths he or she brings, as well as respected for weaknesses that cannot be changed.” – Psychic Giovanna ext. 5214 

Flirt Multiplication

Monica Moore, PhD, the coauthor behind the study, Predictive Aspects of Nonverbal Courtship Behavior in Women, reminds us that while any one of these moves may work great, it is their combination that will create the most dramatic effect.

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13 thoughts on “8 Tips on How to Get Closer to Your Guy

  1. Valerie

    I spoke with Zelda on Friday and was amazed at how she was able to see the issues that I called about so clearly. She was very informative and knowledgeable. Zelda was able to address every issue I had and then some. I felt very comfortable talking with her and she was right on point with everything and gave me the information needed to proceed in my endeavors with confidence and now my whole family wants to talk to Zelda.

    Thank you Zelda and California Psychics. I will be talking with you again?

  2. Diane Crane

    Sounds like a lot of work to me. I thought it was supposed to be 50-50. Some women just aren’t that interested in football, or the Lakers, and faking it just doesn’t work over time.

  3. Randy

    This is so well explained it ain’t even funny a guy wants a partner that not only likes only to go out and party the party thing realy is a girl thing. Aguy with his friends might sit back and talk over acouple of beersor something then they are on the same level. You girls do want to look good but when a guy goes out and shines the old rod he is realy wanting to go for a ride with his sweety. Then he has both passions and loves right there with him.Heres an Idea and this would realy make us guys spin if you don’t like the smell of greese go out put some frebreeze on and join him this one trip might keep you tight with him all month. Its almost like tieing a string around his tue heart do this regular and you might even find him taking you to one of your parties in his ride. Now tsound strange but you might evn make other girls envious because there bows will want to look at it talk about make him popular and and you will earn his most pasionate love., I gaurantee it. Try it you be glad yiou did.

  4. Lorie

    Hi ; I have a new friend that I am going to try these with, it will probably be a while before I get back to you, but I will let u know if they worked, he means the world to me , I’m sure that this will help . Thanks


  5. meghan

    I loved these tips and think they will really work! I’d also like some tips on how to flirt and tell a guy you like him without saying it! 🙂

  6. nancy

    I like the info where I could give him a little goose when he is on the phone the man I love is always on the phone either for business or talking to a female I don’t care about or whatever I like that idea I will have to try it out.

  7. Jeannie Marchbanks

    I really enjoyed reading your suggestions about men.Sometimes I think I don`t know anything about men.I was married to my childrens father for 27 years I thought we were happy so..I found out he was having an affair.then I stayed single a long time and married an older man that has lied to me so much I am sick. I have gotten to the point that I just want to walk out on every thing but, then I think smart and know thats not the way to do it. I have an old Hi School sweatheart thats moved back to town after his wife has passed with cancer ,I would like to have a relationship with him tell me what to do. Jeannie

  8. Michael

    Find a mature women with love of life and has money to share to just have a friend to share happy times and places!

  9. liz

    joining Calaforina psycicks is great like having a big sister advising what to do through my life and so accurate thanks


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