Psychic Insight: Get Your Relationship Back on Track

Are You Willing to Do the Work?

There is a fun, carefree and exciting feeling in new relationships—you get dressed up and go out every weekend, you talk for hours at a time on the phone and the sex is mind-blowing and frequent. You feel like it can’t get any better and you’re probably right. It won’t get better, but it could very well get worse.

stare into the soul with the soul, not the mind, and find god. trace it back to the source.

ventually you’ll stop getting dressed up for dates. Sweatpants are good enough when he’s buying two subs for the price of one. Her answers to your questions are now a series of grunts and sighs. And when’s the last time you had sex? I’m talking about sexy sex and not half-asleep, obligatory sex. Yeah, it’s been a while. When did this charming, handsome and funny guy turn into a hairy, smelly lump on your couch? And when did this sexy, witty and smooth-legged woman become sloppy, stubbly and boring? If you’ve been together long enough, it can sometimes be hard to remember why you fell in love in the first place. But all is not lost! You can get your relationship back on track with some thoughtful insight from our psychic love experts. Read what they have to say and for a personal reading, don’t hesitate to give any one of them a call!

According to our love psychics, there are eight things you need to remember when it comes to getting your relationship back on track:

1. It’s a Choice

It’s important to remember that a series of choices both you and your partner made got you to this point in your relationship.

Janus ext. 5654 reminds us we can always make choices for better or worse:

“I remind people of their free will. It’s their life-right to choose.”

Deejay ext. 5435 affirms that how we react to an issue is a choice:

“Issues will happen because we are human, but how we respond and resolve them is the key.”

2. It Takes Forgiveness

Once you and your partner have made the choice to get your relationship back on track, you need to forgive each other for any wrongs you both have committed. But forgiveness is not always easy go give.

Tajah ext. 5732 shares that forgiveness doesn’t necessarily mean forgetting:

“Once burned by fire every flame is suspect.”

Althea ext. 9582 explains that sometimes one partner gets blamed for the past sins of others or an old transgression:

“Sometimes it has more to do with what their mate did a year ago, or their dad did to their mom 20 years ago or their ex did to them eight years ago.”

Lisette ext. 5483 knows it can be hard to quickly get over being hurt by someone you love:

“Hurtful words and damaging actions are like trying to take back the ring of a bell after it’s already been rung. The hurt just can’t be undone.”

3. It Takes Work

Fixing your relationship requires more than just wanting to fix it. It takes actual work.

Ben ext. 5772 shares that you must start by confronting your problems:

“If you don’t confront the problem you will get no resolution, so you may as well get on and deal with it.”

Move beyond the need to be right with this advice from Makenna ext. 5791:

“Release the need to be right, and embrace the need to understand each other with an open mind.”

Love is not passive according to Althea ext. 9582:

“Love is a verb. Words without actions are like a million-dollar check from a closed account.”

Maryanne ext. 9146 reminds us that relationships are more than 50-50:

“Please remember that 50-50 usually means one person needs to give 100% for a time and then it will be the other partner’s turn to give 100% for a while.”

4. It Takes Time

Your relationship isn’t going to be fixed over night.

Love can be a slow or fast dance, according to Janus ext. 5654:

“Sometimes one may need to learn how to enjoy a slow dance rather than a salsa.”

Ben ext. 5772 says resolutions come with time:

“We have an expectation for an immediate resolution to what is happening but ‘less speed, more haste’ is probably a much better mantra!”

5. It Takes Communication

You both need to learn how to communicate effectively with each other.

Janus ext. 5654 reminds us that there is more to communication than just words:

“Not everything can be communicated clearly between two people with words alone.”

Althea ext. 9582 knows that some people don’t like to communicate:

“If communications drives him further away, he was never yours in the way you needed him to be.”

Spencer ext. 5643 shares the difference between listening and hearing:

“We are very good at talking. Some of us are good at hearing. Few of us are really skilled at listening (what I call deep listening) to the other person. We filter what they say rather than listen to what they are really saying and it causes unnecessary conflict.”

Makenna ext. 5791 knows why people don’t speak up:

“I see many clients not get what they need or want out of fear of losing their partner if they should speak up.”

6. You Both Need to be Realistic

Even the best relationships have issues.

Maryanne ext. 9146 knows happy couples fight too:

“Please don’t fall into erroneous thinking that ‘If we are right for each other we won’t have any different opinions.’ Of course you will.”

Beverly ext. 5747 suggests you don’t project your desires onto your partner:

“Sometimes we also project what we want and need onto another person and they might not really have the qualities we give them.”

7. You Need to Keep Things Fresh

The longer you’re with someone, the harder you have to work to keep things fresh and interesting.

Cameron ext. 5412 reminds us to always keep dating your partner:

“Even when you are married, you should never assume you’ve ‘got’ your partner. You’re always ‘getting’ them, which means, you have a responsibility, as do they, to keep listening, to keep impressing them and to keep discovering. A relationship is a mystery that is never solved. If you think you’ve figured your partner out, they are going to feel it. There’s always something new to learn.”

8. Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help

Every relationship goes through rough patches and you may need an unbiased, outside opinion.

Cameron ext. 5412 knows that asking for help means miracles can happen:

“It takes courage to ask for relationship help, but miracles can happen when you do.”

You deserve a happy relationship. You deserve a happy partner. If you feel like you aren’t happily in love anymore, you owe it to yourself, your partner and your relationship to investigate the reasons. See if you can change things for the better, but if not, don’t be afraid to move on. But move on knowing that you did everything you could to make it work. It will give you closure and reduce the likelihood that you will have baggage to take into your next relationship. Our love psychics are always available to help you with your relationship problems. Get the relationship you want and deserve with their help!

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