Our Relationships: Reflections in the Mirror

The things we see and want in a relationship can be exactly what we are creating. Those voids and issues are sometimes our manifestations of our inner self. Let’s understand more on what this mean.

Seeing Others as Reflections of Ourselves

Our relationships, whether they’re with family, children or significant others, reflect where we are at in our lives. Our romantic relationships reflect, like a highly polished mirror, not only ourselves but each other and where we are at at any moment in our life.


Is it really them? Or, are you looking for them to fill a void inside you—your lack of worthiness and low self-esteem?


Most of the time, we fuel the energy of conflict ourselves from our deepest insecurities. Like a fastball pitcher in baseball, we throw lightning strikes so that all our partner has to do is simply put the bat on the ball, and simply react to us, so to speak. If we were to throw a slow curve, the energy of conflict would dissolve very quickly, much like letting the air out of a balloon. But, how do we do this? Are you having troubles in a relationship? If you are let one of our California psychics help you today!

Are they complaining about you all the time? Are they putting unreasonable demands on you? Are you expected to do all the work to hold the relationship together? Do you sit for long periods of time just waiting to hear from them when they get time and are ready to communicate? It is not them that is out of balance here, it’s you. How can you find out if you are out of balance in your relationship? Look in your own mirror:

1. Look at yourself.

Understand yourself. Know that you are terrific as you are. Understand you are a fabulous spiritual being who is meant to be here and has chosen to come here in the life you have. Know and really feel energetically and spiritually that you are supported and loved for who you are.

A great way to prove this to yourself and wrap your arms around your self worth is to know your own unique gifts and talents. List them out on a piece of paper. If you know what they are, highlight them. If you do not, take some time to reveal them. Sit with them, breathe them in to your heart center and let them become a real part of you. Breathe out any resistance you may have to accepting them.

2. Trust who you see in the mirror.

Trust yourself. Know that you can have it all! Most or all of our issues within a relationship stem from the deep seated fear we have of being unworthy of having a fabulous relationship.

3. Release your resistance.

Ask yourself, “Where am I restricting or resisting my flow of love and energy?” It is true that your relationship success is in your own hands, not in those of your partner.

The ways you experience any relationship reflects how you’re relating to your own self and your idea of Source/God/Universe, even if you don’t believe in God. For example, if you are experiencing a partner who’s untrustworthy, you may be attracting that into your life because a part of you isn’t trusting yourself. It’s usually an unconscious action, and we put it there for a very good reason in our past. But we’ve simply outgrown it either through this lifetime or another. As soon as we step back into awareness, even by noticing the ways that we may not be trusting ourselves, or a partner to stay, things can shift. And if we’re willing, we can clear those patterns easily, gracefully and instantaneously.

3 thoughts on “Our Relationships: Reflections in the Mirror

  1. Angela

    Boy! this makes a lot of sense. Thank you so much for the information. I can see myself clearly as well as know that I am worthy of a true and lasting relationship.

  2. kathleen

    Hi,I enjoyed reading the letter on things i go through,stiill i think it will take time for me to get car, place of my own, for a while,I am disabled,Im ok were I am know with family

  3. marc from the uk

    Thankyou Spencer for an informative article, It makes sense! I guess life is a bit like bakig cake eh! You choose your ingredients, good or bad, and get the result through your actions, maes sense? I hope so.


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