Men Don’t Want to Be Responsible for These 4 Things

Dont Want to Be Responsible

Is Your Partner Responsible?

Ladies, if you really want to impress a man, don’t worry about how you dress or the shape of your body. What he really wants is for you to take responsibility for the things he has no interest in. Now, I am not going to say that these desires are justified, mature or within the boundaries of political correctness, but they are what they are. Here’s what your guy wants you to be responsible for so he doesn’t have to be or so he doesn’t have to do something that goes against his nature!

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According to a study conducted by the U.K.’s Nickelodeon Channel, men aren’t really mature until the age of 43. And there are many moments in life that require a mature touch—one that he most likely doesn’t have. It could be anything from teaching your kids not to burp or pass gas at the dinner table, to making sure he doesn’t make an ass of himself at the office holiday party. He’s expecting you to be responsible and lead by example, and that example isn’t the one he’s setting.


Let’s be clear, there is a huge difference between shopping and buying. Shopping is the process of meandering through store after store (both brick and mortar and online) with no guarantee that something will be purchased. Women often enjoy the process or the experience, while men intend to buy. Shopping requires a certain level of patience that many men just don’t have. According to a study by Wharton, while most men are good at buying, when it comes to shopping, they aren’t as mentally equipped for it as women. So ladies, maybe you should leave your man at home if you’re shopping without the intention of buying.

Do you feel like you have an impatient partner? Psychic Rianne ext. 9423 knows what’s really bothering them!

Being the Bad Guy

A lot of women say they want to date a nice guy, but that doesn’t seem like the truth. So what happens is nice guys learn how to be mysterious, aloof and a little jerky so women find them attractive. The truth is, men would really just rather be themselves. So if you’re really looking for a sweet apple, instead of a bad one, be upfront about it. Nice guys need love too and they wish you’d just pick them so they don’t have to pretend to be someone else.

Wondering where all the nice guys are? Psychic Anastasia ext. 5610 knows where to look!


Men hate to do chores, and ladies, you may too, but doing chores can have an interesting impact on a man’s sex life. According to one controversial study by the American Sociological Review, men who do more chores get less sex. And According to a study by Emory University in Sweden, men become less satisfied with their relationships when they are required to do their fair share of chores. And this becomes especially true when they live in countries with more so-called “gender equality,” like the United States.

Do you feel like you are carrying all the burdens and responsibilities in your relationship? Psychic Libby ext. 5288 can help you even things up.

The Norwegians did their own study looking at the divorce rate of men who share housework 50/50 with their partners. What they found was that the more work a man was required to do around the home, the higher the chance that couple had for a divorce.You might say that you don’t want to be with a man who won’t share the burden of housework. But divorce isn’t the only response to housework. Some men may just do a poor job just to get out of the housework. Sorry guys, it looks like our secret is out!

Ladies, are you willing to take on these four responsibilities for your man? Sound off in the comments below!

13 thoughts on “Men Don’t Want to Be Responsible for These 4 Things

  1. Angela

    What?! So women are required to be the mature and responsible one in order to have a man?! Sorry. If I have to be a grown up I expect him to be one too. Guess that is why I am single.

  2. Marc from the UK

    Hi Gina, thanks for a fabbo response 🙂 !!! Grzzzzz .

    Hi Eric, I love your articles they are so informed and educational, I always look for your blogs.

    I am so sorry to hear your news, I understand the feeling of loss, living it day by day.



  3. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Dear Marc from UK

    Thank You for the posting !!!!

    Another good man, ladies !!!!! They REALLY are out there. IF I were in the market for a relationship and lived in the UK…..I’d snap this one up in a heartbeat !!!!!

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

    Marc from the UK June 5, 2015 at 12:18 pm

    I,I am astounded at this article, amIi an odd one out? I love shopping, cooking cleaning and er Sex !!! Grzzzz

    I am a supportive and generally laid back bloke so to read this means I am either stupid or born wrong lol !

  4. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Eric June 5, 2015 at 4:27 am

    To Eric ( posting below )

    I’m so glad you shared that with all of us. And I’m sorry your wife has passed on. I wish you health and prosperity and happiness.

    But it does prove that nice guys are out there, which is what I tell my clients, who, sometimes, are ladies who have given up hope in finding a nice man.

    Blessed Be )O( , Eric

    Gina Rose ext.9500

    Dear Mr. Leech; Liked the article. But as a guy, am I one in a million? As that I do not fit the course of your article. Did not marry until I was 28. My wife like that due to more mature than most she had dated. As for “Shopping” she had the hard time to get me out of the store. It was fun shopping for clothes for her. And I was the nice guy. She like that too. And chores? it was a 50/50 share. And sex was awesome! So she did not have to address to the airs of command. In our case we had no children. Cats and llamas were our children, and chores were a must. If my story sounds of the past. Did we divorce? No she passed away. So to say nice guys are out there. Ladies do not fear. And the studies are not always a must. Dreams can be fulfilled. We are out there. Blessed be!

  5. Marc from the UK

    I,I am astounded at this article, amIi an odd one out? I love shopping, cooking cleaning and er Sex !!! Grzzzz

    I am a supportive and generally laid back bloke so to read this means I am either stupid or born wrong lol !

  6. Luminosa

    No, absolutely not! The reason for divorce when the husband does half of the chores most probably depend on the fact, that he doesn’t do it willingly, hence forcing the woman to bee mother. Sorry guys. If that is what it takes, you may stay alone, for we sure do better being without a big baby.

  7. Deen

    & when do women become mature?
    “cause in my job I see a lot of behavior that is equal to a 10 year old!

  8. Eric

    Dear Mr. Leech; Liked the article. But as a guy, am I one in a million? As that I do not fit the course of your article. Did not marry until I was 28. My wife like that due to more mature than most she had dated. As for “Shopping” she had the hard time to get me out of the store. It was fun shopping for clothes for her. And I was the nice guy. She like that too. And chores? it was a 50/50 share. And sex was awesome! So she did not have to address to the airs of command. In our case we had no children. Cats and llamas were our children, and chores were a must. If my story sounds of the past. Did we divorce? No she passed away. So to say nice guys are out there. Ladies do not fear. And the studies are not always a must. Dreams can be fulfilled. We are out there. Blessed be!

  9. Chrissi

    And here I was thinking guys wanted to find women that they could look after- well that blew up that particular balloon and explains my moody messy and sometimes downright daft hubby too and he’s 55 this year- and definitely hasn’t grown up- more grown moody and downright ornery as any comment is interpreted -however unintended- as criticism, or my ‘picking’ at him, I’ve learned to keep quiet, about my views my politics, both diametrically different to his, and opinions too, if they aren’t the same as his, yet when we first met he was such a fun guy to be with

  10. Nancy

    Being a “mature” 71, but having the mindset of my mid-forties when it comes to most things related to relationships, this article tells me nothing that I don’t already know. Face it ladies, they want to seem to be in charge but would rather have someone else do the work. Men, in general, are mostly little boys underneath. We understand that, at least those of my generation, and handle the important things while they can insist that they call the shots. The secret to it all is to allow them to think they thought it all up by themselves without your help. We all know differently but allowing them this fantasy makes life easier and we actually have way more control in the long run.

  11. Mary

    You’ve got to be kidding me! No way will I do more than the male in the relationship. I did that for over 40 years while going to school full time, working full time, and raising our daughter. He NEVER asked to help with the household chores. There has to be a limit.


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