Make the Most of Wedding Season

Here we go again. Between Memorial Day and Labor Day this year, morethan 295 million Americans will be guests, bridesmaids or groomsmen at someone else’s big day. That’s a lot of gifts, a lot of formalwear and – for the single among us – a lot of pressure! Fortunately, it can also be a lot of opportunity. After all, at the heart of things, weddings are celebrations (not to mention a prime place for finding love!). Here are a few tips on celebrating matrimony single-style.

Forget a date – bring a friend
Towing a date to a wedding is a minefield of potential disasters. The last-minute escort search is a hassle, and if you’re already seeing someone, you’ve got a host of questions to consider. Is it too soon? Too awkward? Too suggestive? Why not bypass the issue altogether and invite a pal instead? Bring someone who already knows your favorite drink, can help you blow off unwanted offers and will never avoid your eyes during the vows? So call a friend, take the pressure off, and have a blast!

Fly solo
If your palms get sweaty at the thought of scrounging up yet another +1, RSVP a “just me.” Not only will you save yourself a few awkward questions, you’ll open yourself up to a world of opportunities. Dejected singles have been looking at the wedding phenomenon all wrong. Look at it as the single’s haven it is! Weddings are one occasion when everyone has love on the brain. During the ceremony, check the crowd for misty eyes, and keep them in mind for the reception. They’ll be the ones looking for you later on the dancefloor.

Always a bridesmaid…
Have you been cast in the role of bridesmaid for the day? Don’t give into the negative hype. Bridesmaidship has its perks. First of all, you and your taffeta-decked friends (although tasteful dresses are in vogue these days) can have a party of your own: getting ready together, posing for shots and laughing it up at the head table are often-underrated wedding rituals.

And don’t slight the potential of the event itself. The bride may be the “center of attention,” but for the other singles at the party, you are! Keep your eyes open, and enjoy the spotlight.

Wondering when your day will come? A reading can tell you what to expect. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

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