• celebrations

Summer Soul Makeover

Summer is the perfect time of year to enhance your soul. The nourishing aspects of the season's warmth, long hours and beauty can inspire a spiritual connection to everyday activities. Plus, you can enjoy ... read more

The Real Easter

Believe it or not, every single one of our most beloved Easter traditions - decorated eggs, bunnies, baskets, feasts and the sunrise service - dates back to pre-Christian spring celebrations, including the ... read more

June 2008 Forecast

Celestially speaking, June is typically an easy-going month that traditionally hosts more weddings than any other month of the year. Celebrations and graduations are likely to infuse the air with an ... read more

A Healthy Holiday

From excessive celebration to sleep deprivation, the holidays can take their toll on your body. But you don't have to be resigned to starting the New Year with a winter cold and five extra pounds. Follow ... read more
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