5 Winter Holiday Proposal Signs

Will They “Pop the Question”?

December is the busiest time of year for shopping, cooking, entertaining, and, getting engaged, so have you noticed any proposal signs? More people pop the question over the holidays than during any other season. Even Valentine’s Day can’t compete. It’s the festive feel and coziness of winter that sets the stage for couples taking the next step in their relationships.

Are they ready to take the next step? Read with a love psychic and find out!

Wondering if you and your partner may be close to becoming affianced? Read on for the top five proposal signs that you’ll soon rock something sparkly on your ring finger.

1. Both Your Families are Coming to Town
One of the main reasons couples get engaged over the holidays is because they’ll likely see their families. It’s one of the top proposal signs and these festivities provide the perfect setting to celebrate the happy news. If you’re spending time with your families this season, that ups the chances your significant other will “pop the question.”

2. Your Partner Keeps Asking About Your Holiday Schedule
If your partner needs to know your every move over the holiday season, that is one of the major proposal signs. They’re trying to plan something. Are they uncharacteristically miffed if you go out for last-minute drinks with a friend? What if you spend more time than you expected shopping for gifts? Since they’re in full-on planning mode they don’t want the surprise ruined and may feel like they need to know where you’ll be at all times to keep everything perfect. Also, they need to make sure you’re free but also oblivious to what’s really going on.

3. Your Partner Seems Quieter Than Usual
It’s hard to keep a conversation going when you’re keeping something from your partner. This may mean that your main squeeze appears to be avoiding you, either physically by staying late at work or hitting the gym first thing in the morning, or by communicating less. They don’t want to accidentally ruin the surprise and an unusually quiet partner is often one of the proposal signs.

4. Your Partner Suddenly Doesn’t Want You Looking at Their Phone, Email or Bills
If you have the type of relationship where glancing at your partner’s emails is no big deal, this will likely change if they’re planning to propose. You may even start to suspect that something shady could be going on by the way your other half gets jumpy when you check their device or if you grab their mail for them. They’re up to something all right, but it’s not what you might think. It’s just one of the proposal signs!

5. Your Partner Doesn’t Want to Discuss Gifts
If your partner is proposing, chances are that the piece of jewelry they’ve picked out is going to double as your holiday present. So when you start discussing the possibility of getting matching monogrammed pajamas or forgoing gifts this year for a romantic trip to Jamaica instead, they may get a little jumpy or noncommittal to any ideas you throw out. Resist the urge to take it personally and realize that your gift may be in the works—or already tucked away in a special hiding spot.

Being in love is a life experience that everyone deserves. Whether you’re looking for your soulmate or wondering how to keep the romantic fires burning in your relationship, a love psychic can help. They want to see you happy and a psychic love reading is all you need to find or keep the love that is meant for you.

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