DreamCast: Did Grandma Kill Someone?

In my dream, my recently deceased father was with my maternal grandmother who died 27 years ago. He told me that my grandmother had killed someone and the body was buried in bushes or a forest. There was no alarm in his relaying this – it was as though he was doing it for my grandmother. When I awoke from the dream, the area at the end of my bed had a red glow. I got up and checked to make sure my house alarm was on, and when I got back into bed, the red glow was gone.

Lynn in Winnipeg

Hello Lynn,

That’s quite an intriguing dream! Assuming there isn’t a body actually buried in the bushes, your dream may be directing you toward a (metaphorical) skeleton buried in your family closet. In other words, I’m wondering if your grandmother was harboring some information she was hesitant to disclose. It’s interesting that you’re an Aquarius, the sign known for demanding and uncovering the truth, which can rattle the people involved. The glow in your room may indicate a visitation by your father’s spirit. The color red may symbolize a warning or some anger about the past. In any case, perhaps it’s time to delve into your family history, especially if there’s something to heal.

Sweet dreams,

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