Peeking Into The Future

When opportunity knocks… not everyone seizes the chance to move forward with their fortunate new set of circumstances, our psychics note. Worrying about the possible risks that come with change, or feeling unworthy of good luck, leaves some sitting on the fence ruminating over the pros and cons of a better future way too long. By doing this, choices can reach an expiration date.

Dan, (not his real name) understood that he might soon be making the biggest mistake of his 21 years, by letting go of an exciting well-deserved scholarship to an Ivy League university by not making a decision. Misplaced loyalty and a nagging lack of confidence were keeping him tangled up in his safety net, tells psychic Skylar ext. 9887. He was so enmeshed that he couldn’t see the possibilities for a brilliant future before him.

“I need to be in New England in less than a week,” he told the psychic on his first call, from his home state of Texas. “I can’t get myself to pack and get on the road. I feel guilty about leaving my roommate…” Dan told the Empath, who specializes in helping callers with pressing issues.

Skylar tuned in on her caller’s voice, using his Numerology, Astrology and the Tarot to look at the challenges in his path. She was struck by a vivid vision of his past and future. She saw arrows lit up in neon forming a path from his old life into the distant future.

“Your roommate is immature. He’s not concerned with your welfare. He insists that you socialize instead of study. In your heart, it’s been over for a while,” Skylar told her client adding that Dan’s partner was draining him emotionally. “You didn’t aim high enough when you got involved in this relationship.”

Dan agreed mesmerized by Skylar’s words.

“You are looking forward to a challenging education but fear is holding you back – it’s social, not intellectual,” the intuitive continued.

“Will the students accept me? But more important, my advisor is a respected scientist… I’m from a small town. My parents are immigrants… I can’t imagine I’ll fit in,” he rationalized his reasons to stay put.

Skylar described Dan’s advisor at the Ivy League school. He would greet the new student in a brightly colored tweed jacket that he wore uniformly. His welcome to Dan would be warm and highly complimentary of his scholastic achievements. The advisor would also place a fatherly hand on his shoulder almost immediately.

Dan told Skylar he was getting so much information, without asking questions, he couldn’t take notes fast enough. “I can’t believe how comfortable I feel about all of this,” he admitted as the 30-minute call came to an end.

The following week, Dan called Skylar again to say, “You helped make this happen. I hung up the phone from our talk with the confidence to accept my scholarship. And you’ll love this… my advisor greeted me wearing a bright blue wrinkled sport coat just as you described. When he put his hand on my shoulder, which you also told me he would do, I knew I’d made the right decision. I really think the reading helped things go smoother for me – as if I’d had a dress rehearsal.”

“My ex roommate wants to move here to be with me… What do you think?” Skyler’s caller asked.

“There will be someone new,” the psychic foresaw. “He has dark hair and eyes, slight build, very serious, very smart.”

“”That’s exactly my type,” Dan responded sounding happier than before.

“I was hoping I’d meet someone else… It was a fateful day when I chose you from your bio. You have no idea how close I was to ignoring my scholarship. I was afraid everyone would think of me as being culturally backwards. Instead, the other students I’m meeting are intellectually competitive -I think I’m going to like it here.”

Dan calls for insight into big decisions every so often, Skylar reports. Getting details about the future from his readings gives him the confidence to accept challenges. “Okay, now I can see where I’m going! is his typical reaction to my predictions, large and small,” she laughs. “He’s moving right along that neon path I saw for him!”

Are you having trouble seizing the day? Let a psychic guide you. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

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