Dreamer’s Day

People born on the 16th day of any month, are ruled, numerologically speaking, by the number seven. (How, you wonder? Numerology reduces all numbers to single digits with the exception of 11 and 22, thus, ... read more

The 11th House

Horoscope charts are divided into 12 parts called houses. Each house is associated with a different zodiac sign and area of life. The Sun is currently in Aquarius and the Sign of the Water Bearer is ... read more

Moon in Virgo

Today's Moon in Virgo favors analyzing your relationships. Whether you gain insights through journaling, talking to a close friend or talking directly with your sweetie, this influence can help clarify ... read more

Saturn Opposes Uranus

Saturn opposes Uranus for most of February (and again in September 2009), which propels us into new ways of doing things. Whatever needs to change in your life, this influence can jumpstart that new ... read more

Mercury and You

If you were born on the 5th of the month, then you are ruled by the planet Mercury! In Roman myth, Mercury (Hermes in Greek mythology) was the messenger of the Gods and as such is said to represent agility ... read more

Venus Enters Aries

It's going to be an interesting ride when Venus (the planet of love) enters impulsive and fiery Aries for an interrupted, but longer-than-usual stay from February 4 - April 11, 2009. Look for this to ... read more

February 2009 Forecast

"Start the revolution" is the motto for February as an impressive lineup of Aquarius placements propel us toward change. It's all about self-expression and eliminating restrictions that hold you back from ... read more
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