Your Weekend Forecast for January 4 – 6, 2013

The First Weekend of the New Year!

As we step into the year 2013, we are going to find many vibrations that are different from last year’s. The edge will be off as we move about with flexibility and pursue our dreams and goals with balance and harmony. Our first weekend of the year starts us off with a Libra Moon both Friday and Saturday before it changes position entering into Scorpio. With the Capricorn Sun and the Libra Moon offering motivation Friday and Saturday, we will be very busy. Sunday we get to relax, thanks to the Scorpio Moon.


Although the parties are over, you still have your dancing shoes on and bring the first weekend of the year in with a bang. Loving the energy, you gather with friends to plan events and vacations. This will take place on Sunday after you finish off the party energy on Friday and Saturday nights.


Plain tuckered out from the entrance of the new year you take to the couch to catch up on the new shows and relax. Plenty of food and drink is still filling the kitchen, so inviting a few close people over makes for a wonderful time. The best part is your friends clean up before they go home.


Going back to work midweek and then having the weekend off did not give you enough time to accomplish projects at work that are important. Good thing you love your career as it pulls you to the computer to finish up and organize what needs to be done so there are no loose ends hanging Monday morning.


Love is your motivation. Meeting someone new over the past few weeks got your heart pounding. Oh, the spell love has on you makes you more mushy than usual. You and your new interest get together for drinks and dinner ending the weekend in the most romantic way. I feel a new couple happening with potential for a long-lasting relationship.


Feeling a little bloated from the holidays takes you to the gym for a hard workout. You feel less weighted down with more spring in your step by the time your workout is done. That was Saturday morning. What to do the rest of the weekend? Organize your thinking, clean the house, order in for food (no cooking for you) and now you can relax.


A few tears were shed over the holidays and now it is time to release all the emotional energy and get back to your normal, logical self. This weekend you will find preparation for the upcoming week to be very important. Meditation will help you to focus, but still enjoy the company of your loved ones on Saturday night so you do not forget how to have fun.


Everything is as it should be. No need to do anything you do not wish to do. You find that events over the weekend encompass creative, visual and audio pleasures. Going to see a new movie and to your favorite restaurant top off the first weekend of the year like the cherry on the Sunday.


Good vibrations and happy energy set you up for a great weekend. A guest from the holidays extends their stay and you are very happy to open your house to share the warmth and love of an old friend. You are asked to make a promise that puts you on the spot, so think carefully before you jump into a commitment you might not be able to keep down the road.


Do not shoot yourself in the foot with that arrow, lovely Sagittarius. We all know you partied hard and being tired has you dragging your bow and arrow around. Let’s face it, you are not ready for the workweek ahead. Let it be a restful weekend. Get your house in order and sleep.


All is well and you finally have a time of peace with the available time to actually rest. This is a perfect way to start the new year—leaving the past year in the dust is a relief. If you feel the need to blow off some steam, make sure it is with a trusted friend. A good clearing of the mind, a nap midday Saturday and a great Mexican meal in the evening keep you smiling.


Whatever you are thinking about doing this weekend, do not do it. Let someone else take the lead on the planning and give yourself a break. If you stay home,  take to answering all the texts, emails, tweets and cards you received. Stay close to home—it will prove to be what you need the most.


It was not the New Year’s Eve you were hoping for, yet it was not too bad and you now have the opportunity to do as you wish. This weekend is kind of like a do-over New Year’s Eve for you and you make it splendid by being able to spend it with the person you love the most.

11 thoughts on “Your Weekend Forecast for January 4 – 6, 2013

  1. masha


  2. Randy

    Happy bityhday Jackie I am 1 month older than you I would saay move on but I am not one to be giving advice. I’ve been used in every relationship I’ve had since high school and I’m through. You can go back and look at my stories and it will tell all. I need to get my SSI started and my pension straightened out. and start over and get me 2 more shizu dogs and I’ll be fine. I know you must be a good lady yourself. I was always giving and end up on the short end of things. Good guys never win.

  3. bella


    I hope you had a good 1, I will BE talking 2 you very soon because everything else IS great , YES you were right all things fell N2 place, EXCEPT 4 THE JC thing, once again WHAT IS HIS problem .. thank you 4 a nice weekend prediction, many wonderful blessings 2 you & yours .. xoxoxo

  4. Jackie

    I am love with a wonderful man. I think he is afraid of commentment. His wife died 2 years ago after a year long battle with cancer. He told about a month that he could have fallen into a deep relationship with me fast, but he had to put the brakes on. He said that he really cared for me but he may need to see other people to figure things out for himself. He spent the holidays with his late wife’s family . Too many memories I guess. We were doing fine until after Thanksgiving. He then said he wants to take it slow. I said fine. A week later he said that he may need to see other people to figure things out for himself. After Christmas he said that he could not see me anymore. I think he is scared he may lose through again what he went through with his wife. I think he is scared. He said that we didn’t have a future, there was no spark. I know there was spark because of the romance we shared in the 2 and a half that we dated. We didn’t sleep together but we were romantic. I really love him with my heart. I have prayed to God and he keeps telling me to wait, it will work out. What do you think?


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