What Does Ceres Retrograde in Gemini Mean for You?

What Does Ceres Retrograde in Gemini Mean for You? | California Psychics

Relationship Retrograde

We have had plenty of retrogrades this year and one would think that enough is enough, but on October 8 the asteroid Ceres will be going retrograde, and it will bring some changes to our relationships both with others and with ourselves.

Ceres is named after the Roman goddess of agriculture, grain, and the love a mother bears her child. She was the daughter of Saturn and Ops and the sister of Jupiter. She symbolizes unconditional love and family attachments, but when she goes backward, she indicates a time to turn that love and nurturing inward. This transit can bring about the ending of relationships that have become too clingy or codependent. It’s an excellent time for exploration and discovery rather than commitments and feelings.

Ceres stays retrograde until January 14, 2022, at which time our usual love and concern for those around us will turn outward and we will have new perspectives on those relationships.

How Ceres Retrograde Will Impact the Zodiac


Ceres retrograde will have a direct impact on your career relationships. People may seem a bit more self-centered than usual and that can make finding compromises a bit tricky. Allow your natural boundless and creative energy to lift you up and give you a clearer insight into those you are dealing with.


This might be the time to put any special relationships on hold for a short time. Step back and take an honest look at how you have been treating the people in your life, as you might be unintentionally hurting someone important to you with your words or actions.


This retrograde will most likely find people leaving your inner circle. Although this can be rather bittersweet sometimes, relationships need to come to an end so that both sides can continue on their paths and grow as individuals.


Your innate empathic ability will most likely be turned up to eleven until Ceres goes direct in January. You might find it difficult to tune out all the noise and effectively focus on your own needs. Using stones like Hematite and Nuummite can help to block some of the distractions and allow you to nurture yourself.


A project you have been counting on will most likely be delayed, much to your annoyance. There is nothing that you can do dear Leo, so don’t drive yourself crazy trying to move mountains. Take this hiatus as the gift that it is and try to breathe while looking at what other possibilities are out there for you.


People will be coming to you for help solving the problems this transit is creating in their lives. Your ability to see both sides of a situation makes you a perfect fit for being the mediator for others. Just make sure you don’t try to take on the responsibility of fixing their problems.


Your desire to be there for others may be rejected and it can be hard not to take it personally. In time, those that you wished to help will become more receptive and will remember your generous offer.


With Ceres doing its backward dance, it is time for you to take a personal inventory and address any self-defeating or addictive tendencies you have. They will only be a barrier to creating a deeper connection with someone special in the future.


Have you been sowing some discord? Even if you did so unintentionally, those missteps will come back to haunt you and you will need to make some amends. In addition, you will need to turn your vision inward and learn why you have these tendencies, to begin with. What is lacking in your life and how can you fill those voids?


Normally cool and collected, you could easily find yourself having to deal with emotions that you usually keep safely under wraps, Capricorn. This is a time to be gentle and not chide yourself for having and experiencing emotions.


As you turn your focus inward, people will get impatient with you, but don’t let them bother you too much. You will know when you are ready to start engaging with people more. And the best part is, it will be on your terms, not theirs.


You most likely will find yourself wanting to be more of a homebody than usual. It’s not that you don’t enjoy being around other people, it’s just that you find the solitude particularly peaceful and inviting. It’s okay to turn down social visits.

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