Quarter Moon in Scorpio

The Quarter Moon in Scorpio today amplifies sexual energy and is a great time for creative brainstorming. But it can also make you feel unusually restless, especially if you’re a Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius. Physical exercise (or more sensual pursuits) can burn off some of that edgy energy. Just watch out for arguments that may arise from pushing your agenda. It’s best to think things through before leaping into a possibly ill-timed activity. Argumentativeness is also on the rise today, which can spark some creative ideas – or throw you off balance. So enjoy the intensity but try to stay centered.

2 thoughts on “Quarter Moon in Scorpio

  1. sally

    this are all too old except for one. you might want to update for your readers who is expecting something new for tomorrow and not from yesteryears.

  2. colleen kelli-may fitzpatrick

    you should be able to update each day this moon in scorpio quarter moon horiscope is way out of date please up date your readings thank you happy holidays sincerely c fitzpatrick


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