Psychic Quinn: Discover Your Power Tarot Card

Your Power Tarot Card

Tarot and Your Sun Sign

It’s really fun when I get to connect the dots between Tarot and astrology! Did you know that each Tarot card has a sister astrology sign that carries its vibration to a deeper level of understanding? These Tarot cards are all Major Arcane. When they come up in your Tarot reading, it’s a validation that the cards are speaking directly to you. Some readers use the Tarot card that represents you as your core card or significator—especially in an astrological spread. Check out your core Tarot card or significator below and learn how they work for you!

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Aries – STAR

A card of hope, Aries/Star carries the vibration of motivation, bringing the tools to help you move forward in life. The Star is a card of universal consciousness. In a reading, this card brings a promising outlook and inspiration.


This card is malefic—if you are a woman it represents the male energies in your life or the male vibrations you might carry, such as strength. Taurus/Hierophant is an esoteric person—an out-of-the-box thinker—carrying the wisdom of the ages and teaching those who have deep, inner voices.

Gemini – LOVERS

Harmony of both the inner and outer aspects of life is represented to the highest degree in this pairing. Gemini/Lovers bring choices to the reading, making this a person who has great responsibilities. Artist, writer, poet or actor—there’s passion for beauty in all forms, making this a card of creation.

Cancer – CHARIOT

Whether it’s science, art, progress or the battles in life—this person is made for succeeding. Cancer/Chariot represents the human personality. It is the vehicle of cosmic forces or universal will. Having the ability to make “it” happen is your destiny.


Always and forever, this is a sign of eternal life. Leo/Strength card bestows courage and the ability to overcome suffering through patience. This person can be counted on in the hardest of times. They’re able to leap tall building in a single bound, and they represent protection, strength, kindness and a healthy ego.

Virgo – HERMIT

Lighting the way for those who need spiritual truth,Virgo/Hermit disintegrates the framework of ignorance. This person is the one you meet along your path who guides you with patience and pinpoints attainments. Detailed with information, you must ask for their help.


Working for balance, harmony and justice without judgmental energy, Libra/Justice is about the law (the universal law of cause and effect) bringing a fair outcome when this card shows up in a reading. They believe in eliminating useless forms of education in order to help make room for new technology.

Scorpio – DEATH

Out with the old and in with the new. Scorpio/Death is about transformation in the highest form. Only the Scorpio can deal with death and make it look good. They know when to pause and think. This is the manifestation of freedom.

Sagittarius – TEMPERANCE

Marriage is temperance personified—the perfect blending of energies. With the straightforward, protective vibration of the Sagittarius, you get passion with perfection. Sagittarius/Temperance energy is mental and physical. This card shows a fruitful life.

Capricorn – DEVIL

Here we have a card of fate. The horns of the goat make it easy to see why Capricorn got this card. They’re business-minded to the utmost, shrewd and know how to deal with money. They’re driven to achieve wealth by any means possible, but when evolved through spiritual gain, Capricorn/Devil can be an asset to any business and a wonderful friend.

Aquarius – EMPEROR

Spiritually evolved, Aquarius/Emperor is a card of realization. This person has learned many life lessons and welcomes more. They’re supportive, protective, and stable with a superior ability to reason. This is a good person to have in your corner. The Emperor represents the consciousness of man.

Pisces – MOON

This card is the reflected light of the subconscious. Pisces/Moon can detect danger, giving the reading a warning sign. Shedding light on the water, the Moon allows one to see what is to come. Imagination and dreams are very notable aspects of this vibration.

Tarot card readings give you a deeper connection to Spirit. This means you’ll get the unadulterated insights you need about your past, present, and future, but only if you read with a tarot card psychic.

Find a tarot card psychic or learn more about tarot card readings.

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10 thoughts on “Psychic Quinn: Discover Your Power Tarot Card

  1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic -quinn ext 5484

    oh my, I didn’t see all the comments. as they say “better late than never”
    thank you everyone.

    Leo and Scorpio are both fixed signs. water and fire make steam, make sure there is a space of clarity and try to keep it moving.

    lot dealings are going to go well.

    Thaddeus – I really like your name. glad you found some logic in this blog.

    LJ – xoxox

    Freddy – 🙂

    daniella – what cards?

    Denisha – thank you Psychic Denisha – good to see you

    Bernie – thank you for your comments.

    have a great weekend everyone.

  2. Bernie

    You say things so nice and hopeful. Is this person that I think who puts his attention on me will make the effort to ask me out. Thank you so much.


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