Your New Moon Horoscope for April 2013

Emotions Run High—and Inspire

The New Moon in Aries on April 10 is a complicated one, but it can also be transformational. While you’ll notice that people seem to be wearing their hearts on their sleeves, the explosion of emotion can bring about a rebirth. It’s a chance to change who you are or what your life is like, by approaching your past, present and future honestly and authentically, in line with your highest good.

Get a love compatibility reading with astrologer Psychic Nicholas ext. 5499 and see if the relationship will last.

Here are three ways to make the most of this astronomical energy!

Confront the Truth About the Past

It may have been hiding for some time, but now, whatever you’ve needed to see is right there on the surface, begging you to face it. Whether it’s a toxic relationship, an unpleasant internal reality or a financial problem, there’s no point telling yourself it’s not real. By accepting your realityand being grateful for your willingness to be honest, you’ll find your solution. And it can be a peaceful (or at least not-too-painful) one if you…

Invite Harmony in the Present

New Moon conjunct Venus. That means fairness is favored along with honesty. So if your transition from the aforementioned, problematic situation requires a talk, have it. Just be sure you go in open to harmony. Difficult discussions will release negative energy, thus creating a chance at rebirth or a new reality.

“Astrology is a form of a person’s spirit connecting with their life’s destiny for their life path.” – Psychic Vivienne ext. 5489

Set Your Future Intention

Since Aries is the fieriest of fire signs and the first sign of the zodiac, the Aries New Moon is an ideal time to turn your life towards the future. Lay out your goals. Make your vision board. Chart your territory for the next 30 days at least (preferably do it for the next 12 months) and go forward with a clear, expressed conscience, prepared to make new decisions that lead you to your destiny of choice!

“If we take advantage of what astrology has to offer (New Moons for beginnings, Full Moons for contemplation, rest, rumination, etc.) we will, in essence, be taking advantage of the vibrant energies around us.” – Psychic Ariel ext. 9775

23 thoughts on “Your New Moon Horoscope for April 2013

  1. Pam

    Gosh you had to start out with the Toxic Relationship,,, my toxic is cigarettes!!!! Plan already in action to quit after 45 yrs! Turn my life towards the future!!! Set my goals!!! I am so excited! 🙂

  2. Becca

    This is for Jada. The thing about keeping up with what your horoscope says is that it it can only give you an idea of what is possible for your life path on any given day. If you sit around and wait for things to happen, and then think that your horoscope got it totally wrong it is because you can only be given a road map, so to speak. It requires you to get in the drivers seat as every action has a reaction. If we try to look at the possibilities as just that, what is POSSIBLE, then we can use our road map to see what direction we should be heading in or if we should just kick back and let things happen. I’ve looked at other sites, and this one has always given me a “heads up” on what to look out for each day and throughout the month. It’s been really amazingly accurate ever since I started keeping an eye on it. It is only “generic” if you fail to apply it to your personal situations.

  3. Becca

    This is for Doris. You may want to rethink your desire to move to Florida as it kind of feels like it would be great at first, but you would be just moving back there because it’s familiar to you. It wouldn’t take long for it to turn into the same old things that contributed to your being stuck in a sad place to begin with. You would be taking a risk, but I can only draw on my personal experiences when I say that heading in a different direction, {literally} and moving West could bring about an incredible set of positive situations for you. I live on the Northern Ca. coast about 270 miles North of San Francisco, having moved here because I was basically in the same cruddy place in my life that it sounds like you have found yourself in. The air is very clean, having the Pacific Ocean just 5 or 6 miles away gives me a place to think and get emotionally centered, and it’s much easier to get your disability, {ie; SSI or whatever it is you need} in California. The usual wait from start to finish is 6 months to a year, plus you also receive the back pay from the time you applied. When I finally ended up here, I had tried moving to other states and even eventually made an attempt to live back in the state that I came from, {Oregon} but I never felt “at home” there after moving back. Sometimes, taking a leap of faith, which is what I eventually did, is what we should have done in the first place. But then we would never learn all of those hard lessons that we managed to live through before taking that leap. I did it with 4 young children, and my health was pretty bad by the time I took my personal leap. I’ve been here for 19 years now, and my kids and I slowly started the healing and growing process shortly after we moved here. I will be 51 on April 20th, and my kids are grown up and I now have two grandsons. Once we left what was familiar to us, everything began moving in a positive direction. {Sometimes despite my pessimism}. I am two and a half semesters away from a 4 year college degree, I was able to raise my children into emotionally strong and well-rounded people, and all because I basically gave up and took that leap of faith. The universe, or God, or whatever it is you base your faith in knows what we need to do long before we figure it out. So what appears to be a reckless leap of faith is actually what you were destined to do in the first place. Good luck and many blessings, Becca

  4. bella

    This is 4 Doris,

    FYI I 2 live IN GA 2, I was BORN and BREAD here and IT don’t mean nothing, FYI the back LOG on disabilities CLAIMS HERE IS 1 year to 18 months AWAY they have judges coming IN from as far away as DC 2 hear cases IN GA, I HAD cancer 2 XS, + I have Lupus, & I am connected politically 2, IT DUD NOT matter @ ALL, so THIS IS WHY I AM considering running 4 PUBLIC office MYSELF and this is 1 OF THE THINGS THAT CONCERN’S/CHAP’S MY BUTT/ ME THE MOST, BECAUSE when any 1 person needs HELP THEY NEED IT RIGHT THEN & NOT 1 year – 18 months down the ROAD, IT should BE made 2 BE easier, I know it’s heart breaking JUST try 2 stay calm AND FOCUS on the main objective !! FYI PLEASE GO 2 THE TV ADDS ON GA TV, & GO 2 the BIGGEST LAW firm that you see ON there (tv), BECAUSE I PERSONALLY know they ARE ALL GOOD PEOPLE working THERE !! Bella

  5. Doris

    It all sounds like me we are struggling financially and we are wanting to relocate there’s nothing but pain and stress here I really need to move on to a different state I’m in ga from conn wanting to move back to fl I’m filed for disability but nothing yet I have lung disease and can’t work anymore sick with pnewmonia right now it’s really rough don’t no how to handle this problem

  6. Kim Purvis

    I’m 72 years old and I had a confusing life. Will I finally learn to relax and be content? Don’t like me felling lost and not complete. What’s going to happen now. Will live alone and be happy or is just a temporary things in my head.

  7. Jayda

    I like reading these but they never happen do you guys really think that they will happen or you guys just send a random email out concisting of false facts

  8. Kimberly Ann Corbin

    I’m struggling now with trust real bad I’ve been in a relationship for a year and a half he’s wonderful to me spoiled financially well more than ever before and he’s 10 years older but I fell madly involve and felt like finally I get my relationship and well he lied to me and I tricked him and found out the truth and ever since then its been extremely hard to move on without doubting everything and I just want to know if anyone through reading this is given some insight for me without it being clouded by fear or whatever else as it seems to be when I try I don’t know just had a strong feelin someone will be given an answer when reading this and that will be an answer for them I guess they being unsure of their abilities ? It will make sense to the one its meant for thank you God Bless and keep u all and thank you! Gr8tfull4grace

  9. bella

    This is 4 Elizabeth Sarah,

    IF YOU ARE A BELIEVER I PERSONALLY KNOW/think maybe Ms Quinn could help guide you as well AS MAYBE give you some kind OF prospective/IN SIGHT on your/THIS particular situation WHEN IT COMES 2 YOUR OWN LOVE LIFE, she was able 2 help ME OUT, EVEN though when IT comes 2 MY OWN PERSONAL SITUATION when IT comes 2 MY LOVE LIFE, RIGHT NOW WE (BEING HER & I) WE WILL need 2 AGREE TO DISAGREE when IT comes 2 MY own personal LOVE situation right NOW BECAUSE MINE WELL (he’s a Capricorn 2) BECAUSE I KEEP on TELLING HER that HIS BUTT just might come UP MIA LOL, 🙂 , but NO WORRIES here because I work IN the LEGAL/POLITICAL ARENA/FIELD & MY GOD FATHER IS THE DA where I live at at 2, SO let’s just say 4 ARGUMENTS sake LIKE I TOLD Ms. Quinn FYI IF HE DID come UP MIA, at least MY UNCLE WILL NOT NEED 2 LOOK THAT FAR 4 him NOW would he ?? LOL 😉 Ms. Quinn says I have NO worries & FYI SHE’S MORE THAN LIKELY RIGHT ON 2 ABOUT IT being with MY OWN PERSONAL situation but I still could RING HIS SWEET LITTLE NECK/butt SOME DAYS THOUGH FYI !! MY best wishes 2 you & 2 yours + PLEASE KEEP UP the/YOUR FAITH 2 + HERE IS lot’s OF ((((Elizabeth)))) 2 YOU 2 from me 2 YOU, Bella 🙂

  10. bella

    This is 4 Elizabeth Sarah,

    Congradulations ON BEING a CANCER SURVIVOR, I am a 2 time cancer SURVIVOR, breast & throat cancer MYSELF, AND I DO hear you & I DO GET what you are saying, + I GET THE WAY YOU ARE thinking, (BUT please DON’T because YOU CAN’T cry OVER spilled milk) 🙂 !! IT IS true, I also feel/FELT they way you did/DO about NOT telling them UP front THING about IT, HOWEVER honesty IS always the best policy, IF THEY can’t see past/THROUGH IT, THEN OH WELL it’s time 4 them 2 GO AND I DO MEAN NOW, & ASK THEM IF YOU NEED 2 PLEASE help SHOW THEM THE DOOR WAY 2 !! (sorry I AM a Capricorn) !! REMEMBER this IS, THIS is WHO WE are NOW and WE CAN’T EVER GO BACK, BUT WHY WOULD WE WANT 2 ?? YES WE ARE AT A very vunerable STATE/FRAME of MIND, BUT by NO mean’s DOES IT MAKE US WEAK, but WE DO WEAR OUR SURVIVOR HEARTS on our SLEEVES because WE are/WERE forced into a REAL REALITY check SITUATION WHICH THEY WILL NEVER/EVER UNDERSTAND nor GET, BECAUSE unlike them WE had NO choice BUT 2 STAY & FIGHT !! BUT KNOW this, + remember THIS 2, WE HAVE BEATEN THE (being OUR) ODDS, & IF they can’t see through the damage that was done 2 OUR bodies while WE were in a/THE fight 4 our lives, AND that THESE scars WE DO WEAR SO proud that IS/ARE ALL ABOUT OUR past, that HELP 2 make/SHAPE US 4 who WE are NOW, well then THEY don’t deserve US NOR 2 be a part of OUR life’s/NOR do THEY deserve 2 BE a part IN OUR future. PERSONALLY with MYSELF I WEAR MY battle scars with HONOR AND with COURAGE AS WELL AS WITH PRIDE, you know that saying “” what don’t/DOESN’T KILL YOU CAN “only” MAKE YOU “only” STRONGER “” OK & I AM NOT sorry 2 BE THE )1) TO TELL YOU this MY FRIEND BUT FYI “GOD” DID NOT WANT OUR butt YET, so until THEN OUR LIFE MUST GO ON !!! === “” IT IS WHAT IT IS “” SO MY advice IF it’s worth anything PLEASE DON’T BE AFRAID 2 SHOW/WEAR YOUR BATTLE SCARS EVER or AT ALL, WHY ?? BECAUSE WE EARNED THEM THE HARD WAY my friend, AND NO ONE CAN EVER TAKE that/THIS AWAY FROM US EVER, LET me REPEAT I DO MEAN NO ONE CAN EVER/=NEVER my friend !! WHY BECAUSE WE EARNED THEM the HARD WAY !!! 😉 SO KEEP ON with the 😉 !! all MY BEST WISHES 2 YOU, & 2 YOURS + remember IF YOU ARE A believer, WE both have a VERY strong 1ST name’s too, which allows US 2 face OUR destiny HEAD ON 2, & IF WE NEED 2, WE can/or WE WILL FIND THE STRENGTH/COURAGE 2 ASK “GOD”, CAN we/I PLEASE HAVE another 1, PLEASE “GOD” IF IT’S/THERE is a NEED 2 BE another ONE (1) like IT WAS in MY case WITH me, well I JUST KEPT ON SMILING right BACK AT “GOD” 😉 “” IT IS WHAT IT IS “” MY FRIEND !! all MY ((Elizabeth)) 2 you, Bella 😉 🙂

  11. Mary

    Elizabeth Sarah Arthy, this message for you. I I know how you feel I a sense – yet I only had to wear the pouch for a year. In that year, the guy that I had fallen for, for so long before the pouch finally started to like me back. The night had come where he anted to be with me, and this is when I had to tell him. I was so scared of telling him of course, I thought not only am I going to lose this guy, he’s going to think I’m disgusting. but you can’t keep something like that to yourself when you’re seeking an intimate relationship… you have to tell him. That guy I told? he wanted me anyway and we were together for a while. There are some people who want you more and a pouch wont make a difference, and there are some that probably will be turned off. but it’s better you find out now, then later, because in the end, he’ll respect you for telling him sooner, AND you can sooner get out from this ‘stuck’ place you’re in. What will be, will be, so let it be without getting an ulcer in the process too. Love yourself enough. And trust the universe. If you get a negative response from this guy doesn’t mean you will always. I know first hand some guys don’t care about such things. the guy I was with was hot, intelligent, and perfectly normal, so you never know. this world we live in is full of different individuals.

  12. Elizabeth Sarah Arthy

    II am a Cancer survivor which is wonderful. I am a widow and have met someone that I am Emotionally Interested, however i have not mentioned my Cancer and probably should have right in the beginning. I am eating my heart out over this as the type of Cancer I had was RECTAL, this means that I have a permanent ostomy which I have to wear a pouch forever. I am so aware of this and although I have been told I can have sex I worry what this can do to the relationship as I know he will want this, he is normal. How can I help this delema as it is affecting my emotions.


  13. Elizabeth LaDouceur

    I just want to say that your psychics are wonderful and truly amazing. Years ago now I tried a California Psychic and I got a lady that really just should not have been falsely claiming to be a psychic but I tried again and the readings are consistantly exceptional. I have tried about 4 or 5 of them so far. I am amazed that there are such talented people out there. I used to use Mystical Connections but they just seemed to play with me rather than give me good sound honest advise. It seemed like they would give me advise that would keep me in a roller coaster of getting in and getting out of trouble but California Psychics since I permanently switched about a couple of years ago, they just bring me closer to peace, harmony, and my highest good. This is a great site. I enjoy the fabulous atrological updates and wonderful articles you send and look forward to them more and more. Thank you California Psychics you are wonderful.

  14. I always call

    when I call I nevear gaet to speak with you, a man takd up 10 minutes of my time telling me aobout his business and how h=much you charge, Iam due a complimentary reading but never can get it. thank you

  15. Pauline Morgan

    This is where i am i want to rekindle an old friendship but i really don’t know should i put myself out to be hurt or rejected again .


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