May Spotlight on Mercury!

Get Ready for Mercury the Messenger!

The spotlight this month is on Mercury—our messenger, communicator and travel guide. Mercury spends the month in Cancer and brings more emotion to your thinking and decision-making. If you plan to travel, finalize all the arrangements early in June before Mercury turns retrograde on the 26th. When Mercury is retrograde, until July 20, just try not to start new things.

During these days we will be reflecting on those things that make us feel secure and taken care of. If you do start a new job or begin anything new during this period, know that the nature of what you start is likely to change dramatically over time. New insights into how to relate more effectively, especially with family, will arise. When traveling leave early and allow for extra time for travel. Take nothing for granted. In particular, issues from the past that have not been solved tend to reappear in order to demand resolution so we can move on. You are likely to bump into old friends.

Neptune goes retrograde on the 7th as it travels in front of the constellation of Pisces and it stays in retrograde motion until November 13. Neptune’s retrograde station is marked by a general feeling of confusion. Consequently, from mid-May until well into June a maze of confusion will surround routine activities and tasks. Little things that seem habitual and that we usually take for granted are the types of things we may forget to do. With both Mercury and Neptune in retrograde motion, those who are normally sharp can become a bit absent-minded. To add to this mix, Saturn is already moving retrograde in Scorpio. On a very deep and profound level, we are all experiencing a shift in the way that we hold power. We are more inclined to pull back to reevaluate how to succeed at achieving goals involving our power!

The main astrological event this month occurs on June 25 when Jupiter moves into Cancer for a 12-month stay. It’s always important when an outer planet moves into a different sign(constellation). Jupiter will bring positive energy to a new area of your life, so take a look at how its journey through your personal chart will impact you in the year ahead. Cancer, the Moonchild, is associated with home, family, personal life, and patriotism. For many people, this will be a time of “nesting” or “cocooning,” when they will enjoy just being at home.

A New Moon occurs when the Moon and the Sun are in the same sign at the same degree. It is a time of concentrated energies and new beginnings. This month the New Moon occurs in the sign of Gemini on June 7 at 11:56am at 18º21’. This New Moon is a good time to start a personal project or minor makeover. The Full Moon is on June 25 at 7:32 am at 2º10 Capricorn. Full Moons reveal what we need to integrate at this time. Don’t do anything rash! Remember, everyone has a special gift and each one of us makes a difference. What you discover at a New Moon comes to a head at the Full Moon!

2 thoughts on “May Spotlight on Mercury!

  1. judith moore

    No I have no comment Just that the information fascinating to read but some of it i do not understand as to when and where these astrological signs and moon work together.

  2. judith moore

    This may be more of a feedback rather than a comment. I got the book you recommended .It was The After Life of Billy Fingers by Annie Kaegan. It was a most fantastic book I have read in a long time and I have passed it on to a friend. I could not put it down. It is almost may and I am still waiting for other things to happen that you predicted to happen either in April or May. I may read with you again sometime as we ran out of time with your Destiny prediction which I want to clarify sometime!


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