Your LOVECAST®: Poet, Tease or Brainiac?

Your LOVECAST: Poet, Tease or Brainiac?

Your Love Horoscope

An electrifying merger of the Sun, Mercury and Uranus in Aries at the start of the week can spark some extreme flirting, but the feelings aroused by such talk will be fleeting. The main focus this week is Venus moving into witty Gemini on Saturday (through May 5), which will awaken your inner poet, tease or brainiac while socializing. Best days for a date or friendly gathering: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. Here is your love horoscope!

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Aries Love Horoscope

Your intellectual firepower will stimulate or irritate people at the start of the week. Your way with words will be even more enticing (and more harmonious) after Venus moves into Gemini. You’ll be motivated to express your appreciation to the people you love. Romance can be found online or during a class or trip. Just be sure to see beyond appearances when meeting new people.

Taurus Love Horoscope

Your Venus ruler transiting through Gemini encourages you to verbalize your desires to fire up romance. You’ll be looking for someone special who shares your priorities and you’ll likely meet people who are prosperous or generous. If you’re paired, a discussion about finances can inspire a moneymaking idea. Friday is an excellent time to explore a new locale or activity while on a date.

Should you go into business with your partner? Psychic Leo ext. 5265 can tell you!

Gemini Love Horoscope

Venus jaunting through your sign will bring out your charm and allure. If your heart is open, people will sense the good vibes and be drawn to your energy. It’s time to share your affection with those you care for. This weekend, intimacy may be strained on Saturday, but a flirtatious Moon-Venus connection on Sunday will make you irresistible!

Cancer Love Horoscope

Love will be drawn into the past during Venus in Gemini. You’ll be thinking of a former relationship, especially if something was left unfinished. Your intuition about love will be unusually strong, too. Friday is an excellent time for an intimate trust, but the afflicted last-quarter Moon in Capricorn in your partnership sector may rattle a relationship this weekend.

Leo Love Horoscope

Venus in Gemini energizing your social sector will bring opportunities to connect with friends and make new contacts. People who are highly artistic, charming or attractive will be drawn to you. If you’re solo, a friendship may turn into something more. The Moon in your partnership sector dancing with Venus on Sunday favors an unusual date with your sweetie or friends.

Virgo Love Horoscope

A colleague or work activity will be a source for romance during Venus in Gemini. If you’re paired, discussing your long-term goals will clarify the relationship. The Moon in your romance sector connecting with Mars can fire up a sexy tryst on Friday, but afflictions to the last-quarter Moon in Capricorn will make love unpredictable this weekend.

Do you and your partner have the same long-term goals, Virgo? Psychic Dottie ext. 6239 can help get you on the same page!

Libra Love Horoscope

A relationship may bring a surprise at the start of the week. Love will have an adventurous or spiritual vibe as your Venus ruler travels through Gemini. Romance can be found through a spiritual gathering, class or contact from afar. Your best day for a date will be Sunday, when a loving Moon-Venus connection ignites a romantic spark!

Scorpio Love Horoscope

Your powers of attraction soar at the start of the week. Romance may swing from lighthearted to intense during Venus in Gemini. Sex and love mix nicely, but you’ll still need some time alone to recharge. Expressing your desires will fire up passion on Friday, but your emotions may override your reason during the last-quarter Moon in Capricorn this weekend.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope

Venus in Gemini traveling through your partnership sector will bless your closest relationships. This affectionate influence encourages shared activities and heartfelt discussions with the people you love. If you’re solo, Venus will help you meet someone who wants a deeper bond than just a fling. A message will inspire a romantic encounter on Thursday or Sunday!

Capricorn Love Horoscope

It’s the little things that will inspire love during Venus in Gemini. A gesture of help or thankfulness to someone you love will deepen the relationship. Romance can be found through a work activity or while volunteering. You’ll be a magnet for admirers on Friday, but the afflicted last-quarter Moon in your sign will evoke emotional extremes this weekend.

Should you date that coworker you’ve been crushing on? Psychic Lola ext. 6352 knows how they feel about you!

Aquarius Love Horoscope

Venus in Gemini blessing your romance sector will evoke the need to share your heart. This is an excellent opportunity to enjoy some enticing trysts with your sweetie or meet someone new. That’s especially true on Sunday, when a party or entertainment event will bring/inspire romance. If you’re happily paired, a fun date will fire up passion!

Pisces Love Horoscope

You’ll be in the mood to socialize at your abode as Venus in Gemini blesses your home life. Creating a beautiful ambiance and hosting a party for friends or a cozy tryst for two will show off your creativity. Friday is a great time for a gathering, but the afflicted last-quarter Moon in Capricorn may derail your social plans this weekend.

One thought on “Your LOVECAST®: Poet, Tease or Brainiac?

  1. james

    does my libra girl friend really love me she nothering like her signsays she is and i a gemini i can go with any thing she wants i told her they 2 of me one is peacful down to earth and the other is crazy but i love her more than i ever love any of my wife are other girlfreinds i fell head over hills in love with her with the frist 3 mts we was togther we been togther now 3 years she been talking alot about us having a family life togther she wants to seltter down and she says i her soul mate what i fell in the being she cheat on me so i return it and cheating on her and she lost it when i did it and she cheat with another women she said that not cheating but to me if ur having sex and not with ur lover that chearing it hurt me bad to do her that away i was think about her while i was at it with the other women and she want us to be togther told i love pam and sorry for using u but all it was told good luck maybe she find her someone that really love her


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