Your July 2013 Forecast

Get Some Objectivity!

This month’s array of water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) will empower your emotions in a positive or challenging way, depending on the situation and how much baggage you’re carrying around. Fortunately, two grand water trines (on the 17th and 20th) help to support and stabilize emotional interactions. Just be mindful of the stressful Uranus and Pluto influences at the beginning and end of July, which can derail your equilibrium unless you achieve some objectivity.

Transit Tales

It’s all about expressing your feelings as the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Mars (after the 13th) in Cancer, along with Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces, intensify and deepen emotional exchanges. Venus in Leo and Uranus in Aries add some fire to the watery mix. Venus entering Virgo on the 22nd can evoke a desire to be of service to others.

Planets in Motion

At least some of your plans and projects will get a green light after Saturn turns direct on the 7th/8th (depending on your time zone) and Mercury on the 20th.

Uranus will be retrograde from July 17 – December 17, along with Pluto through September 20 and Neptune through November 13all of which favor activities that deepen your spirituality and personal growth.

Learn to say no to whatever does not serve your highest power and purpose.” – Psychic Robin ext. 5492

Lunar Magic

The New Moon in Cancer on the 8th can awaken insights about your home and family life. It also favors emotional healing and expression. The Full Moon in zero degrees Aquarius energizes innovation, socializing and humanitarian causes.

Planetary Highlights

Saturn trine Neptune can help you find a practical outlet for your spirituality, creativity or compassion, especially for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces and to a lesser extent for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

July 1: Venus square Saturn can bring up a fear about loneliness, commitment or closeness, especially for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Sun opposing Pluto may cause an inner or outer power struggle, especially for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

July 3: Sun square Uranus can prompt rebellious or unconventional behavior, especially for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

July 7: Venus trine Uranus may ignite an unusual or sudden social encounter, especially for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius and to a lesser extent for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Saturn turning direct will help your personal and/or professional goals move forward.

July 8: The New Moon in Cancer helps to initiate activities that focus on the home, family or caring/nurturing.

July 9: Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer favors ideas and discussions about the home, family or feelings in general.

July 13 – August 26: Mars in Cancer can energize or irritate emotional interactions, especially those concerning your home/family.

July 17 – December 17: Retrograde Uranus favors activities that accelerate your spirituality, individuality or personal growth.

July 17: A grand water trine involving Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune will help align your practical goals with your ideals or spiritual beliefs, especially for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces and to a lesser extent for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

July 20: Mercury turning direct smoothes the way for communications and travel. A grand water trine involving Mars, Saturn and Neptune can prompt you to take action on a dream, especially for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces and to a lesser extent for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

July 22: The Full Moon in Aquarius energizes socializing, innovation and humanitarian efforts, especially for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Mars conjunct Jupiter in Cancer can intensify the need to express your spirituality, patriotism or nurturing side.

July 22 – August 18: Venus in Virgo supports relationships that focus on healing, service or shared work.

July 22 – August 21: Sun in Leo favors activities that bring out your inner child, artist or romantic.

July 26: Venus opposing Neptune may cast a bewitching or elusive aura over a relationship or social situation, especially for Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Caralatta ext. 5871 is an experienced numerologist. Call her and find out why July 10 will be such a dazzling day for you!

July 27: Mars opposing Pluto can trigger a clash of wills or use of force, especially for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.  Sun square Saturn may erect a roadblock or cause some anxiety that slows down your plans, especially for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

July 30: Venus trine Pluto deepens relationship interactions, especially for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn and to a lesser extent for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

July 31: Mars square Uranus can prompt rash behavior, especially for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

“Healing your heart and emotions is a necessary path, so you can move forward with joy in your heart.” – Psychic TeriLynn ext. 9625

28 thoughts on “Your July 2013 Forecast

  1. amit ahluwalia

    my sun name amit he is 27 year old he is still unmarried when he get married please tell me thanks from suman

  2. amit ahluwalia

    my sun name is Amit ahluwalia he is 27 year stll unmarried when he gegt married please tell me thanks

  3. Bella

    This is 4 laurilee, I’m a 2 time cancer survivor (breast & throat FYI I have lupus 2) with that being said, it is of my OWN PERSONAL beliefs in GODS PLANS, THAT ONLY VERY SPECIAL PARENTS or people ARE GIVEN SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN either born of or developed later on in a childs LIFE WITH these TRYING DIFFICULT TIMES , YES YOU ARE VERY MUCH Loved by GOD. Yes it is MY BELIEFS TO even to BE CHOSEN 2 be of HIS VIP CHOSEN FLOCKS like you are / were is a GREAT honor to be able 2 EVEN TRY TO BE ABLE TO cope| DEAL with these trials HE HAS CHOSEN YOU 4 because GOD KNOWS YOU CAN HANDLE IT, even when things DO GET TRYING, EVEN IF OR when YOU MIGHT WANT TO GIVE UP its not an option 2, AT ALL 4 you. IT IS OF MY BELIEF GOD HOLDS A VERY SPECIAL PLACE IN HEAVEN & IN GODS heart 4 parents like you, WITH special needs children WHO DO REQUIRE a lot of LOVE, patience & under standing AS YOU WELL KNOW, all my prayers are with you , YOUR FAMILY & 4 your son, I think your story IS VERY INSPIRING TO me ON a personally level with your courage YOU DO SHOW WHEN dealing WITH SPECIAL NEEDS SON needs , IS VERY INSPIRING TO ME, BECAUSE WHEN MY DAYS ARE ROUGH IT KEEPS ME GROUNDED 2 know I’M NOT THE ONLY 1 WHO HAS CRAPPY DAYS , so I count MY MANY BLESSINGS please take this 2 HEART YOU WERE chosen special 2 be his mom, & THERE IS A SPECIALL PLACE IN HEAVEN 4 wonderful parents like your self, many blessings 2 you & 2 & 4 your family ill keep your family in my prayers .. kkeep your THE FAITH .. Bella 🙂 <3

  4. neha chopra

    I m 28 but still unmarried…wen i “ll get there any chance of my marriage in near future and is it arrange or love

  5. syed majid ali rizvi

    I just want to know that why my family is never been very smooth and always have problems
    except on family front i am a very successful man in all part of my life whats so ever goals i fixed i achieved but here i failed

  6. laurilee Bork

    my son is disabled. He had a brain bleed. the nuerosurgeon says it was a spontaneous bleed from clogged shunts from alot of scar tissue from past surgeries, It has left him slower at thinking and finding some words to say. will this improve for him. he also breathes slower when sleeping,i put him on oxygen while sleeping and on a heart monitor and he does fine. i think he may have been doing this before.

  7. Victor Appiedu

    i im victor born 19/12/1982 not in relation now because its helping me at all, breaking heart etc. what should i do know, because i decided to be alone

  8. madhu

    My name is madhubala alurkar 15/07/1990 I want to known whether me and my boyfriend can get married cozrite nw many problems r occuring so please help me in that please guide me wat to do

  9. madhu

    I need to known that my marriage would a love marriage or arrange ..I am in a relationship and I want to known whether I will amrry with my boyfriend or other guy please do reply right I m n a big problem ..plss

  10. suzanne

    Enjoyed reading the forecast, not sure I understood it all but still live in hope that things will turn around and make life much more bearable, love my job happy where I am living am lonely but that’s ok, wish I didn’t have to work so hard and get just from pay to pay :}

  11. barb

    sorry I might be one of a kind I don’t seem to fit any of the forecast I read I try to be open mined but no luck I guess I though this might help 9/1/1949

  12. Seema Sen

    i really dealing with some bad times in my life but i do not know i am not getting the similarity with the astrology which i receive daily. kindly look into this matter again. my DOB 15.12.1980. time 11.55PM.My name Seema Sen

  13. Jen

    I would love to know more about my sign Virgo (I think…Im on the cusp? I was born September 22 1977 @10:27pm) & my boyfriend is an Aquarius. Please any insight would be greatly appreciated!

  14. Chander Shekhar Sood

    My date of birth is 26/2/1955 time is 5.55 in morning place of Birth is Shimla state Himachal Pardesh in India .I would like you to comment on my future as for the last 4 years i am very upset.

  15. Helen Kaskela

    Nice..but what about sign..would be interesting re also this sign..and hear read also about.Re your video..congratulations..done and said by you all in a constructive lovely nicewize way…bravo.Thanks.

  16. cynthia

    Thank you very much. I am enjoying the weekly newscast and I cannot wait until my financial situation allows me to call in and chat w/ a physic again. I had the pleasure of speaking w/ Arielle a few weeks ago with the one-minute deal that you all offered and she really gave me some good insight on the future. I greatly appreciate that opportunity and do look forward to calling in before long.
    Again, I sincerely thank you!

  17. Renata

    I really enjoy to reading your very detailed horoscope for July, and heed some of the warnings pertaining to my sign, Aquarius!
    thank you,it is a pleasure to read.

  18. Arthur

    I’ve been following numerology for the past 5-6 years and I could never see how this all fits into my life. I was born February 2,1957. My name is Arthur Lahman . Can you give me one or two weeks of a out line for me to see if I can follow it.
    Thank you

  19. Psychic Glenna 5418

    Excellent article, Cortney!

    During a month that is so emotionally loaded, the day by day advice is especially helpful. Thanks for the heads up about the “stressful Uranus and Pluto influences at the beginning and end of July, which can derail your equilibrium unless you achieve some objectivity”.

    In gratitude and objective perspective,

  20. Josephine Bologna

    Hi, because I was born in 1953 and born on July 22nd I am a Leo. Please send me up-dates on Leo, not Cancer
    Thank You

  21. kobayashi

    todays binggo impressive. i felt this thing three weeks ago.i know i have special gift inside me.coz ever since when i was 5 or six every time ive dream of something important event some tragic some funny comes to reality


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