Chinese Astrology: Horse

Find Your Chinese Astrology Match

Chinese astrology is based on the lunar year, and it begins with the first new moon in Aquarius, which occurs anywhere between mid-January and mid-February in a given year – with this article featuring the Horse.

The horse is most compatible with the dog and the tiger. That’s not to say that this outgoing, energetic, and romantic soul-mate seeker can only be happy with those two signs. Romantically, horses enjoy their freedom, but once they find “the one,” they give nothing short of full-on commitment. Are you compatible with the horse? Let’s take a look:

Rat (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008): The rat and the horse are a passionate pair, but their internal energies are quite different. However, opposites can attract as long as they’re both aware of their own energy as well as their partner’s and they try to meet each other somewhere in the middle.

Ox (1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009): The horse may get bored while the ox contemplates their relationship’s viability. The ox may be annoyed by the horse’s seemingly leap-before-looking attitude towards life. But then again, anything’s possible. What does Chinese astrology say about your compatibility with your partner? Talk to Psychic Quinn ext. 5484 and find out.

Tiger (1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010): For the tiger, dating the horse will be exciting, adventurous and even a little crazy. You are both persuasive and romantic and boredom will never be an issue in this relationship.

Rabbit (1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011): The rabbit and horse could be a wonderful love match. The rabbit admires the horse and gets them through their occasional reflective periods. The horse offers the rabbit comfort, support and lots of affection.

Dragon (1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012): When the horse and dragon date, it’s an exciting romance full of invitations, travel and a love for life. Problems could crop up if the dragon gets too demanding or the horse feels fenced in. Keeping an open dialogue is the answer to this couple’s bliss.

Snake (1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013): The horse, like many others, is easily hypnotized by the beguiling snake. The snake subtly maintains control of the relationship while appearing to give the horse unfettered freedom, but truthfully both need a little space to be fully happy.

Horse (1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2014): As a pair, two horses can enjoy unbridled passion and an energetic life that can sometimes move at an immeasurable pace. They need to work together at finding a balance between needing freedom and reassurance in the relationship.

Ram (1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015): The horse’s need to be free to roam and constantly out and about could make the Ram feel neglected, unless the horse encourages the Ram’s participation. They both thrive on the excitement of their unpredictable lifestyle.

Monkey (1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016): The horse can get swept up in the emotions of romance. The more practical monkey, however, is inherently aware of the realities of a relationship. A meeting of the minds and appreciation for their differences can make this a solid couple.

Rooster (1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017): On the outside, this is a stunning pair who try to impress one another in the more superficial areas of a romance, all while seeking reassurance. Their challenge is to dig deeper into the emotional realm of relationships. A little alone-together time should bring them both closer than imagined.

Dog (1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018): The dog is loyal and patient and provides the horse with plenty of reassurance. The horse will be free to explore areas of outside interest, and the dog may even tag along. The horse should avoid taking the dog for granted. Astrology can unlock the doors of your future. Get an in-depth look at your stars with William ext. 5131.

Pig (1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019): Where the horse roams, the faithful pig is happy to follow. While the horse prefers the limelight, the pig is happy to wait in the wings. They both enjoy the freedom their roles provide. But the horse should not neglect the pig, as they may become resentful.

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11 thoughts on “Chinese Astrology: Horse

  1. Bob

    Love your new Blog Elia! You have so many wonderful and beuauiftl gifts to offer the world. Thank you and many blessings on your journey! Love, Autumn

  2. Auth

    Elia, what a blessing for you to share your insihgt and healing skills. Thank you for being the bright star that you are you make me feel like it is the Springtime of my Life! May all success come to you and your clients. With love, Peter

  3. Jonathan

    Quite the conundrum for me, I have been wondering if I an just really compatible with every one or not compatible with anyone because I am Gemini in Western Astrology (my Sun sign) which from what I understand & read is equivalent to Horse (western counterpart), mostly compatible with the other air fire signs i.e. Libra(Dog), Aquarius(Tiger), Aries(Dragon), Leo(Monkey), Sagittarius(Rat). Now on the other side of my personality, born in the year of the Water Ox (Capricorn) which is more compatible with the other Earth signs, Snake(Taurus), Rooster(Virgo), Ox(Capricorn). Now for the Water signs, my Chinese Element is Water, usually when I read on compatibility with Pisces(Rabbit), Cancer(Goat/Sheep), Scorpio(Boar/Pig) it is not so good, possible but not as good. Now, my Elements are Water for Water Ox, Air for Gemini & I guess Earth for Capricorn. Do you see the problem, it’s like I an Star/Moon crossed or something! Can someone tell me what my best compatible signs are?

  4. harley goff

    my daddy is a metal rabit,my mum waz a water dragon i waz born in tha year of tha ram in tha hour of tha snake or weisi=ram snake,horned snake lol my girlfreing waz boran in tha year of tha horse in the hour of tha snake and our boyfreind waz boran in tha year of tha tiger(1986)in tha hour of tha monkey i love them both alot ,but sumtimes i fell like they both deserve beter /each outher

  5. LJ

    Thanks for your comment Mr. Lwee. I agree that many people (not just Chinese) would be confused by the “New” Chinese New Year – but as in western astrology where there are old and new planetary assignments to each sign, when it comes to Chinese astrology, I prefer to use the old tried and true methods of determining the new year when each sign changes. Of course, you’re right, the exact date does vary year to year as with any astrological event. It’s always nice to entertain other opinions. I appreciate your comment and your readership. Thank you.
    Love and Starlight,

  6. Lwee Wan Sim

    I am a Chinese astrologist. It’s true that the Chinese lunar new year always falls between mid January and mid February. However, the Chinese astrological charts do not follow the Chinese lunar new year. They actually follow the solar calendar. The new astrological Chinese new year almost always falls on February 4th. The transition time also varies from year to year. For instance, in 1966, which is the year of the horse, the horse will only commence on February 4th at 2.38 p.m. Sometimes, the transitions will fall on February 3rd or 5th. Many Chinese are also confuse about this.

    By the way, the Chinese astrological chart is called bazi, which literally means 8 characters. The 8 Chinese characters are derived from the year, month, day and hour of birth, 2 characters from each.

    Warm regards.

  7. LJ

    Thanks Quinn – and to everyone else – if you want a real in-depth reading of your Chinese astrology match, I suggest you call Quinn at x 5484 – she knows her stuff.
    As for Mr. Payne – if you are a pig/boar — you’re better off dating a rabbit or a sheep/ram.
    Thanks LJ

  8. -quinn ext.5484

    if you are in love with a fire horse 1966 – they are only born once every 60 years, you are in for quite the ride. they refuse to be saddled up – this one is ride em bare back all the way if you can even get a ride out of em. they run with the wind.
    next round of fire horses will be 2026 –

    the things i love most about the people born in the year of the horse is that they will provide a good lifestyle, they love to work. are wonderful lovers – and will be there for you.

    LJ – beautiful love match article 🙂


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