Dating a Capricorn Man

Getting to Know Astrology’s Most Secretly Naughty Lover

The Capricorn man is the zodiac’s sea goat. He is every bit as unique and cautiously mysterious as you might expect a mythical being to be. Thankfully as an earth sign, he is all he appears to be and more—loving, caring and loyal. What the Capricorn man seeks most, besides a successful life that allows for comfort and escape, is someone to share it with. If that sounds like paradise to you, then maybe you should consider dating a Capricorn man.

Wondering if dating a Capricorn man is right for you? Read with a love psychic and find out!

Hello There, Mr. Capricorn

If you want to get to know the Capricorn man, you may just have to make the first move. He may see you first, but even if interested it’s not likely he’ll attempt the first approach. Being introduced by a mutual friend is the best way to say hello. If you present yourself as a self-confident, laid-back, somewhat-conservative type you’re off to a good start. The Capricorn man can easily sense who is warm, genuine and down-to-earth. These are all things that he’s looking for in a mate. Share a little about yourself, share a few funny and quirky anecdotes and you may be on your way to dating a Capricorn man.

Dating a Capricorn Man

The Capricorn man knows how to work hard, but he also loves to play hard too. It may not always be easy to get him to relax and have fun. But, the Capricorn man will lend himself fully to the process once the fires of the day have been put out.

He prefers peace and quiet to noise and crowds. But if it’s something epic like a reunion concert of his favorite band, you can probably get him to go. He liked to enjoy a good meal with someone he loves and end the evening getting cozy in a Jacuzzi. If you prefer the club life over a wine and dine experience, you probably shouldn’t be dating a Capricorn man.

Your Capricorn man may need a little jolt once in awhile, and that may be as easy as starting a conversation. Share something funny to appeal to his spontaneous sense of humor. If you’re dating a Capricorn man, you can rest assured that he’s not a cold fish (or sea goat). He’s just focused on making sure life is comfortable and secure for the two of you. Hopefully, his chart is touched with warmer signs that will emphasize the depth of love he can be capable of.

What the Capricorn Man Really Wants When Dating

The Capricorn man is not completely comfortable with the dating process. Due to his cardinal nature, he’d rather just go from meeting someone special to sharing a fairy-tale life with them. He knows that’s not realistic, although it’s not unheard of with the Capricorn man.

Dating and love are not the primary drivers of the Capricorn man. But if you’re dating a Capricorn, he’s probably already started to envision what your life together might look like. If he can’t fit someone he’s dating into that future scenario, he’ll likely break from the relationship.

The Capricorn man loves class and style, but he values intellect and tenacity most of all in someone he’s dating. If you’re with a Capricorn man, it’s because he finds you engaging. You are excited about your life and accomplishments and you can’t wait to share your ideas with him. And, of course, you show a great interest in the Capricorn man’s triumphs and ambitions as well. This is what a Capricorn man really wants in dating—someone he can communicate with on all levels.

Sex With a Capricorn Man

If you’ve just started dating the Capricorn man and there’s an obvious connection, he’ll want to deepen that connection right away. However, if you’re not quite ready, he’ll respect your wishes to wait, but probably not too long. The Capricorn man considers sex an important part of the bonding process. However, if you’re next step is leading towards the bedroom then get ready for a big surprise—he’s got a very, very unconventional side to him. He may not enjoy PDA, but the Capricorn man can display affection like no one else behind closed doors. In the bedroom as in his life, the Capricorn man’s gift is in his attention to detail which will no doubt please his partner to no end.

And that confidence that first attracted his attention? You’ll need to bring it to the boudoir or get kinky and bring it to his office if that’s where he’s spending too much time. Remember, your love life may need a little jump-start if he’s burning the midnight oil, so doing something as outlandish as showing up at his workplace in a negligee and heels under a classy overcoat will heat up your relationship for sure. He may not be into games, but he’s not above a little impromptu impropriety.

What He’s Looking for Long Term

The Capricorn man has most likely given himself everything he thinks he needs in life. Unlike most signs, falling in love is not a make-or-break situation for him. But the Capricorns man is capable of love—deep, all-in, over-the-moon love—and it’s when he finds it that he discovers there may have been something missing all along.

His perfect partner would be someone who respects his work, who makes him laugh and who can remind him to kick back and enjoy life occasionally, and someone who believes in his ambitions. If you can give the Capricorn man all of these things, then his biggest ambition will be to provide you with a loving, faithful partner and the promise of a fruitful future.

The Capricorn man love status, class and style, and he wants to share it all with whomever he’s dating. He also enjoys having someone to care for who will also care for him. The idea of being an impenetrable, unified couple is his ideal scenario for a long-term relationship. Ideally, you and the Capricorn man share equal visions of the future. If you match his tenacity and ambitiousness, he’ll not only admire you for it, but he’ll bolster you up He also expects that you return the gesture.

With all you now know, do you think you would like dating a Capricorn man?

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2 thoughts on “Dating a Capricorn Man

  1. Julie

    Hi, I have starting communicating, from a dating site, a man who is Capricorn. From everything that has been said about this sign seems to be quite true, I am Cancer, yet we seems to get along and our values are same or similar. We are having fun, I always seem to be the one to innitiate a conversation with him and yet he responds and we can msg or he will phone me and the conversation can last for hours.
    He notices a lot about me and it seems to be working for him, he enjoys me. I am happy as I really like this man with hopes that when we meet a relaionship will be good and strong. Thank you so much for your information.

    1. Jen

      Hi Julie, hope all is well with you and mr. Capricorn. If you don’t mind me asking, on which dating site did you meet?

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