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Scorpio and Libra Compatibility

Scorpio and Libra Zodiac Compatibility | California Psychics

Sun Sign Compatibility: Scorpio and Libra

Libra and Scorpio can be magnetic. Oddly, this pairing is one that can form an instant sexual attraction, but after that, it will need more depth for Scorpio to stay involved. Scorpio is attracted to Libra’s classic style. Libra will soak up the attention from Scorpio, but they also love to be social and Scorpio doesn’t. Scorpio would prefer to spend evenings at home curled up on the couch. This would eventually bore Libra and ultimately lead to some disagreements. The friction generated between them, however, is often what makes their chemistry work so well in the bedroom.

When two neighboring signs on the zodiac wheel make a love match, it can be challenging. However, it can also be a relationship that is healing and provides growth by overcoming their differences. Libra may coax Scorpio into being more social, and in exchange, Scorpio can teach Libra that it’s okay to explore the depths of emotion. Each has something to show the other, if they both compromise. It’s not an impossible match, just a little challenging.

Love by Element:  Water and Air

When Libra meets Scorpio, it’s a mix of Water and Air, or better yet, the heart vs. the head.   This is a match of two completely different souls—Scorpio relies on feelings and Libra relies on communication, and neither is good at the opposite.  Water signs are sentimental and as such Scorpio has a reverence for the past, while Air signs always have their eye on the latest and greatest.  When there’s a problem, Scorpio will seek a quiet cave and Libra can’t wait to talk it out.  While each press to get their way, the problem only grows as each becomes confounded with the other. It will take a great deal of understanding and work to make this a successful union that doesn’t drive them both crazy.

The Good Side of Scorpio and Libra

Scorpio and Libra make an attractive couple with lots of dizzying differences and dazzling possibilities. Both are music lovers, and they’ll enjoy discovering each other’s favorite tunes. Libras enjoys a great sexual connection, but sex is a vital part of a relationship to Scorpio. Libra, being the more rational of the two, may not enjoy the same level of emotional connection, but it’s still a memorable experience for both. Also, Libras want marriage and commitment. Scorpios can be possessive, and they insist on fidelity. In other words, these two have similar goals, they just have different views on how they meet them. Libra will love Scorpio’s flattering focus on them, and that brings us to the bad side.

The Bad Side of Scorpio and Libra

Scorpio and Libra can find themselves in awkward situations, such as when chatty Libra starts inquiring about secret Scorpio’s life, most notably when their relationship is new. Scorpio is bound to respond with sarcasm, or not at all, which rubs refined Libra the wrong way. Libra means no harm, and they don’t work for a tabloid, they just want to know Scorpio better. If Scorpio lets down their defenses a little, they may find themselves pleasantly surprised in sharing with the sign of partnership. Also, social Libra tends to be a bit of a flirt—this will bring out Scorpio’s jealous side, and it won’t be pretty. However, if these two can compromise a bit—Libra can tone down the flirting, and Scorpio can be a bit more socially active, there’s hope for them yet.

Keys to a Successful Union

Scorpio and Libra are one sign apart on the zodiac wheel indicating different styles and a little friction. That friction, however, isn’t all bad and, in fact, it can ignite the intense sexual connection these two enjoy. If you need to reignite that spark, try dancing the night away, both love music and the night life.

Here’s the key to success: Both Scorpio and Libra like to have their way—be your partner’s best friend, not their boss. Compromise is one of the lessons of this union. Also, each has talents the other doesn’t have. Instead of being jealous, try giving compliments instead for their smarts. Scorpio and Libra can learn a lot from each other.


Matters of the heart can be challenging and leave you feeling down, so why not see if you can find love and the right match by your zodiac sign? A Love Psychic could show you what to look for in a potential partner, and a psychic love reading could help you untangle the mysteries of your future in love.

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