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Capricorn and Cancer Compatibility

Capricorn and Cancer Zodiac Compatibility | California Psychics

Sun Sign Compatibility: Capricorn and Cancer

When Capricorn and Cancer connect for love, it’s an astrological match made in heaven. Both are super supportive of the other – emotionally, physically and even financially. They are from opposite sides of the zodiac wheel, each representing the other’s seventh house of commitment and partnership. By being opposite signs, each can give the other what they may be lacking in their makeup. However, these two not only balance each other out, but also have a lot in common.

In astrology, Cancer is the sign of the “mother,” and Capricorn is the sign of the “father.”  Both cardinal signs (signs that begin seasons), they have a very traditional view of life in general, as well as a taste for the quality “stuff.” Capricorn and Cancer have similar desires – to have a comfortable home, a healthy and happy family life and a loving and dedicated partner. Behind closed doors, Capricorn and Cancer are attentive and erotic. When Capricorn and Cancer get together, they can create a life where all of their basic wants and needs are fulfilled.

Love by Element:  Earth and Water                          

Earth needs water to be fertile. Rivers need banks to stay on track. Earth and Water people need each other for inspiration and support. Cancer and Capricorn make a good blend of Earth and Water. They can be drawn to each other for many reasons. However, it’s not guaranteed, as both need to feel sure that it’s the right move for them. However, when they do decide to come together, they can form a deep and lasting bond. Both seek security and comfort in a relationship, and they both provide that for each other. As Cardinal signs, they have good taste. You can bet their home will be a welcoming place everyone will want to visit and perhaps never leave.

The Good Side of Capricorn and Cancer

As opposite signs in the zodiac, Capricorn and Cancer either complement each other or oppose each other. Usually, this pairing works, but that will be up to the individuals and their astrological charts. In astrology, Capricorn and Cancer form the parental balance of father (Capricorn) and mother (Cancer). Their chemistry is compatible and likely instantaneous. Both are capable of being go-getters and money makers with the ability to build a mighty empire and a united front. In their traditional roles, Capricorn would be the provider and Cancer the nurturer. As Cardinal signs, they enjoy the more beautiful things in life, and they’re likely to achieve all of their desires. Needless to say, their home will be the best they can afford, comfortably equipped with the latest furniture and gadgets. And as one may guess, if they choose to have a family, Capricorn and Cancer would make great parents.

The Bad Side of Capricorn and Cancer

All couples can have their disagreements, but Capricorn and Cancer are pretty tolerant of each other’s differences, simply because their compatibility usually far outweighs any difficulties. Both can be hard workers, and both love the sanctuary they call home. However, Cancer doesn’t always understand Capricorn’s need to put work first. If Cancer becomes upset about this, they’ll become moody and distant. In the meantime, Capricorn can find Cancer to be overly obsessive about the realm of home and family. If this persists, they’ll both go back to the caves that were the basis of this disagreement—Capricorn at work and Cancer at home.

Keys to a Successful Union

Capricorn and Cancer are six signs from each other on the zodiac wheel—or 180 degrees apart. This fabulous angle is known as a trine, where two people of the same quality (in this case “Cardinal”) are paired together with their across-the-wheel neighbor. These two can become a power couple in romance and business. Like magnets, they can either connect or repel.

Here’s their key to success: The clue to success is the 180-degree angle, half of the zodiac — this relationship requires a 50/50 attitude in all things. Talk things out, compromise, but know that it’s a lifelong project, not just a one-and-done conversation. In most cases, it’s well worth the effort.

Matters of the heart can be challenging and leave you feeling down, so why not see if you can find love and the right match by your zodiac sign? A Love Psychic could show you what to look for in a potential partner, and a psychic love reading could help you untangle the mysteries of your future in love.

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One thought on “Capricorn and Cancer Compatibility

  1. Sindisile Madyo

    The analysis on compatibility of capricorn and cancer is spot on. Yet more clarity is required on how to resolve problems when the cancer dangerously oppose capricorn due insecurity and other disagreements


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