Are Small Children Closer to the Veil?

One of my long time clients told me about a long drive she and her father had taken one Christmas Eve when she was 2 1/2 years old. This happened during the mid 1950’s, prior to the time the Interstate Highways existed. My client’s baby brother had just been born a week earlier, so her father was going to take her to work with him that day to give her Mother some alone time with the new baby. His assignment for that day was to make a delivery of heavy machinery from one upper Midwestern city to another approximately 90 miles away.

My client was a real “Daddy’s girl” and was thrilled to go anywhere with her adored Daddy. Bundled up in warm clothes, they took off. The trip to the other city was an easy drive and the delivery went well, so her Dad drove around the bigger city to show her some of the Christmas decorations and then they started home on the two lane highway. Before they were completely outside the city where they made the delivery, the sky turned gray and the sunlight started to fade. Her Daddy said it might snow on the way home, but she was totally safe — she was with the strongest person she knew — her Daddy. Within a few miles, they ran into a blizzard. It was o.k.– her Daddy slowed down and he was an excellent driver. Now they were completely outside of the city and in the completely open area where there were a few farms visible way off the highway, but a lot of empty space.

The blizzard was so bad and they had to go so slow it was not only full dark but getting later at night. Suddenly, their truck stopped.

Her Daddy got out and said the truck had a flat tire. He told my client to stay in her seat and he would change the tire. While he was changing the tire, the truck slipped off the jack and knocked her Dad out. She felt the truck fall while she was sitting in her seat and called out for her Daddy. He didn’t answer, so she crawled over into the driver’s seat and looked out the window. Her Dad was lying on the ground and he didn’t answer her when she called to him. She struggled to open the truck door and climbed down to get to her Daddy. He still didn’t move and wouldn’t answer her.

My client remembers she looked up and saw a bright light through the snow fall. She knew she had to go toward the bright light and took off across a field to get there. She remembers it seemed a very long way through the snow, but she knew she had to keep going toward the light. Her strongest memory was that she had to keep going toward the light, no matter what. When she reached the bright light, it was a porch light and there was an older lady standing on the porch. She told the lady, “My Daddy needs help,” and the lady brought her into the porch while she made a telephone call. The lady asked my client if she felt warmer and then told her she would walk her back to her Daddy, that everything would be o.k. So my client held the lady’s hand and walked through the blizzard back toward her Daddy. She couldn’t see the truck and her father, but the lady could see them and helped her walk in the right direction.

When my client could see her father and their truck, she started to run as fast as a 2 1/2 year old in a snowsuit could go. She knelt down next to her Daddy and then saw red lights — State police ready to take her Daddy to a hospital. The Police packed up my client and her Daddy in their warm cars and told her she was lucky they “had a hunch” to check that section of the highway one final time before it was closed to travel. She said the lady had called them. The State police asked her what lady – where is the lady? My client looked around but couldn’t find the lady. She told the policemen the lady must have walked home and the policemen asked her where did the lady come from. My client pointed at the bright light she had followed to the lady’s house. The policemen looked, but couldn’t see the light. They drove their car down the road in the direction my client was pointing and directing them toward the bright light. The policemen and the doctor who took care of my client’s Dad told him there had not been a house near that part of the road in over 70 years, not since an old farm house burned down.

Are small children closer to the veil? Are they more open to seeing guides who can help?


6 thoughts on “Are Small Children Closer to the Veil?

  1. Pingback: DreamCast: Son's Adventurous Path Worries Dreamer | California Psychics Blog

  2. Fran

    Dear Maryanne,
    I just found your story, and I enjoyed it immensely! I hope you have a very wonderful, safe, blessed Happy New Year!!!

  3. Abigail Ext 9570

    Merry Chistmas Maryanne!
    Great blog and another Angel coming in human form to assist in the time of need. Yes Yes Yes! children are closer to the veil and so are our wonderful animal friends. Children are born open, like a huge sponges they absorb everything in thier lives with an incredible thirst until about the ages of 8-9. That is when the critical mind filter starts to form. Depending on thier environment will form how they respond in the future to thier senses. My youngest son is a highly gifted Medium. He has only told me what he see’s afraid that people will think he’s crazy. When I explain he analyzes it and shuts it out. For now he chooses to pretend it does not exist which is ok he is not ready to accept it yet. I too shut out my gifts for a long time. But when he was little it was very real to him. I got very detailed descriptions from him. He even realized that our Siamese cats were seeing what he was seeing and would get a kick out of it at 5 yrs old.
    Many Blessings

  4. Miss Krystal ext. 9192

    Yes. I think so because I had encountered some Angels and visions as a child. I saw my grandfather’s shadow after he just died-I was barely four-years-old. Also, I saw my grandmother’s mother, who I had never met, by my drapes, nobody believed me-I was about seven years old-my grandmother later that week lost her ruby firefly pin, guess where it was? Stuck perfectly on my drapes…..She believed me then, and, with tears, said, “Thank you mother.” Now, she is 100 years old, but ever since then, in 1976, when that happened, she asks her mom to help her find things, and she does still, to this day.
    Further, my mom and I broke down on a highway when I was little. We were visiting relatives, far away-A man came with a tow truck, I saw a large shadow of a big dog behind him with bright lights, like a spotlight. I was about ten. I asked him if he had a big dog, he began to cry and said they had put just recently. his Dobbie down because the dog bit someone. I did not know how to explain what I had seen. But I know what it was. His dog on the other side was his guide. That man helped us with our car-getting it start, he refused to take money from us. The entire experience was spectacular.
    Thank you so much for this amazing story. What a great story to wake up to on xmas eve morning. Maryanne, I wish you a wonderful holiday full of peace and happiness.
    Miss Krystal

  5. Psychic Jacqueline x9472

    What a Beautiful Article Maryanne Thank you!
    I totally believe that children are so close to the veil and they are able to see both sides for years, it is so important for us parents to encourage them to share the things that they see because it is so real, they are more connected than we are, if we allow and encourage our children to share the things that they seee, by so doing they will grow up with there veil continuing staying open, but the abilities will heighten and there skills will sharpen.
    Blessings to all, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
    Jacqueline x9472

  6. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi Maryanne,
    Great story !!!!
    (This kind of reminded me of what I experienced as a child around age 10).
    Yes….I firmly believe that children are extremely psychic, some more than others , and are ” closer to the veil ” as you put it. ( I’ve taught this topic in some of my classes on Karma,soul developement, and the journeys of the soul).
    Children are born with the ability to communicate with their guides and are very open to the spiritual plane and everything emminating from the spiritual plane by the mere fact that they ARE newly reincarnated.
    You could say the newly incarnated soul is still adjusting to the earthly plane,but at the same time, is still much more acclimated to the spiritual plane rather than the earthly plane….as we are all spiritual beings on the earthly plane.
    We are only truly ” at home ” when we cross back over to the spiritual side/plane.
    I loved reading your article….
    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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