Are We Compatible?

Sure, a lot of times opposites attract - in a big way! The push and pull of differences can create friction, heat and a whole lot of excitement in many relationships. Some of these connections last - and ... read more
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Caring for Crystals

Now that you’re familiar with some of the psychic and spiritual uses for crystals (see Part I in my crystal series for a refresher), you can start using them to empower yourself! For instance, say ... read more

A New Point of View

Maybe you're in a slump and you run into someone you regard as improbably (and unfairly!) lucky. They have a great job, great spouse, are good looking, successful - and creative to boot! Then you get to ... read more

Reaching Out

It's no secret that helping others is a good thing to do. It's an act of kindness that repays itself in the look of appreciation in someone's face after you've lightened their load. But have you thought ... read more

Harmony vs. Balance

People talk about the importance of finding balance in their complicated and unpredictable lives, but some argue that balance is, in fact, overrated - and that in order to achieve happiness, it's better to ... read more
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