Mad Men Astrology

What is it about Mad Men that strikes a chord with so many? Well, like so many things, part of the show's success has been written in the stars! See how the charts ... read more
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Stress and Your Sex Life

If your (lack of a) sex life has become one of the myriad of things you're stressed out about, stop beating yourself up for wondering what's wrong with you for having lost interest. For starters, you're ... read more

How Much Sex is Enough?

Do we really want more sex? We may think we do, but when real life comes crashing in - sleep deprivation, work stress, and that uber-libido challenge of children in the next room - dreams of sweaty nights ... read more

The Science of Flirting

Flirting is the most natural and baffling process of human interaction. It may seem like an art, but it's a real science - research on flirting shows that long-lasting couples can actually have an ... read more

A Sexy New Moon

Get ready for some dark and steamy bedroom antics in the next two weeks. A new moon always brings us a fresh burst of invigorating energy each month, but when the new moon is in carnal water sign Scorpio ... read more
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