• positive thinking

Don’t Freak Over Finances!

If you're feeling financially stressed, you're not alone! No matter how dire your funds, it's within your power to prevent your bottom line from bringing you down. While you might not be able to inflate ... read more

Your Day, Your Choice

You wake up on the crabby side of the bed, you bump into the ex that dumped you on Facebook, and your mailbox is overstuffed with past due bills. On the surface any or all of this could make for a bad ... read more

How to Own Your Life

Are you happy? Do you embrace life each morning in anticipation of how the day will unfold, or do you find yourself going through a doom-and-gloom checklist of what you will have to endure? read more

Manage Your Moods

Are your friends as stressed out as you are lately? Well, you're not alone. Web M.D. reports that 30% of Americans are losing sleep because of personal finances, job fears and the economy. CNN cited a ... read more

Positive Outcomes

There's just no getting around the fact that you create your own reality. This spiritual principle can be hard to fully understand - yet once you do, it can be an excellent resource for handling life's ups ... read more

What’s Your Mantra?

Using a mantra is a powerful way of invoking spiritual energies to change something in your life. Perhaps you want a sense of peace, or to atone for a wrong you've committed, or to open up your spiritual ... read more

3-Step Cleanse

There's more to Spring cleaning than an organized closet and a sparkling bathroom. If you're looking for a spiritual pick-me-up, invest some energy in all the spaces you occupy. Not only is an ... read more
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