Waiting It Out

Where is my beautiful house? Where is my beautiful spouse? Where is my perfect job? These questions creep into consciousness as we age and grow acutely louder as our peers find their partners around us, ... read more

The Importance of Ritual

In this unpredictable and always-on-the-go world we live in, rituals provide us with a sense of security, stability, connectedness and belonging. Whether it's sipping that cup of yerba mate tea each ... read more

Is Patience a Virtue?

Is patience still a virtue? Or is it an old-fashioned notion that's hopelessly out of sync with today's fast-moving, high-tech world, where instant gratification is expected? We all need to give ... read more

Friendship 101

They say that to have a friend you must be one. But before you know it, the week has whizzed by and you still haven't called your friend back - the one who needed your advice. With our hectic lives, being ... read more
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