Chrysalis Tarot: November 17-23

Chrysalis Tarot: November 17-23 | California Psychics

The Power of Tarot

This fascinating and ethereal deck was voted “Deck of the Year 2015” by tarot professionals! I just love these charming and insightful images which feature curved spirals for wands and mirrors for cups, ornate stones for pentacles, and scrolls for swords. In designating the minor arcana suits this way, these cards get at the essence of what they signify in present time.

The major arcana figures are surprisingly human and vulnerable and speak to truths about the “inner child” in all of us. This includes those with the most worldly authority and power. Brilliantly created by Toney Brooks and Holly Sierra, these cards are down to earth and other worldly, all at the same time. The sixteen queens and kings of traditional decks have been replaced by medieval troubadours full of fun and mischief which steal us away for a trip through our own inner landscapes, full of tricks and surprises.

Come, and let’s ramble along this week’s path with the Chrysalis Tarot as our guide. I hope you find it as much fun as I have!

November 17 – Sunday

Hierophant (Divine Child)

I’m in love with this depiction of the Hierophant. This figure is usually of an older male authority, wearing spiritual robes and a pointed hat. This has validity, too, because all authorities were once little children experimenting and developing their strengths; however, in this deck this reality is taken a step further. Our Divine Child sits on a sea shell instead of a pontiff’s chair, surrounded by butterflies, wearing a turquoise plume for a hat. He is absorbed with his box of paints and the creativity being birthed in his consciousness seems palpable! This card is about us today. It asks us:

Where is creativity coming to life and growing in me today? How can I be my own creative midwife?

November 18 – Monday

Strength (Papa Legba)

Papa Legba is the gatekeeper of the spirit world in Haitian Vodou. He balances the scales of life and death in legend. He is pictured here as an old man sitting with a walking stick, smoking a pipe. He resides alone in a rural area. His expression is alert and inquisitive as he directly looks at us now. What message is he giving us?

How can I separate self-will from wisdom and enlightenment in my actions today? In doing so, how will I acquire more spiritual strength?

November 19 – Tuesday

Hermit (Storyteller)

The Hermit here is depicted as a Native American storyteller, Grandmother Spider, whose stories spin the worlds into existence. She is surrounded by wings and spirals and holds a blindingly bright ball of light. She keeps the flame of tradition and also welcomes what is new. I think this relates to the holidays we are approaching right now. She has a message for us regarding them:

Keep time for contemplation because it will enrich community. How can I now hold the best elements of tradition, and also flexibly embrace variations and newness, in a joyful way?

November 20 – Wednesday

Queen of Cups (Mirrors) The Watcher

The Chrysalis depiction of the intuitive queen provides a different spin on the meaning of this card. She presents as an old woman who journeys serenely through a forest with an owl of wisdom as her companion and a Full Moon to accompany her. What is contained in the large satchel that she wears around her waist? It holds the contents of her heart and that is why it appears so large and full. Her layered clothes are humble rags. Her expression is rich and contented. She has discovered the meaning of life and happiness.

How can I employ more of my intuition to lead me to greater happiness today? How might it possibly lead in unexpected directions, in unexpected ways? Do I have the courage to follow it?

November 21 – Thursday

The Emperor (Green Man)

This emperor is not a military figure but a Green Man of nurturing and protection. He is shown brooding over a nest of eggs which haven’t yet hatched. His tender smile and attentive eyes are motherly, in essence. A bird perches on his tree branch arm, content and safe. He sits in a thicket of green. Butterflies from the spirit world hover nearby. Are they his inspiration? Who are the spirits who circle around him, guiding him? This is a card of enlightened leadership.

In whatever realm I have sovereignty, how can I act with more care and nurture?

November 22 – Friday

Four of Wands (Spirals)

The Wands in this deck are not straight rods but are actually curved spirals. How like true life, huh? A thatched roof cottage with an oval shaped attic window serves as a look-out from our domain here. It is welcoming and secure. This card is about hospitality, (an attitude, not a dessert recipe), and speaks about networking. It tells us to include others in our vision so that they can see themselves within it. It asks us today:

How can I receive support and abundance by including everyone in my vision now?

 November 23 – Saturday

Page of Wands (Spirals) The Mime

This tarot suit of enterprise and risk taking is expressed in the Page of Spirals as the joker, or mime. He is the innovator, the mischief-maker, the inventor. This freedom-loving bohemian plants his staff in new ground. He is telling us today to take a risk after “sniffing out” our surroundings. This Page is a learner, therefore subordinate in a sense, but after he gathers information and plans his moves he is innovative and independent. His red and gold outfit and curly-toed shoes tell us to proceed with humility and humor into unknown territory today!

Where is my doorway into the unknown today and how can I step through it to freedom?

 A fun spread to try:

Two Hearts Reading

This spread is good for capturing the essence of hope, fear, and expectation which two people are bringing deep in their hearts to a personal, or professional, meeting. It is useful for orienting ourselves for a discussion involving negotiation. It tells us “where they’re coming from” and at a deeper level, helps us describe to them “where we’re coming from.”

Step 1- Meditate on the question.

Step 2- Shuffle the deck well and pull two cards randomly from the deck, laying them left to right, face down on the table.

Ask: What do I need to communicate to this person? Turn over the first card and carefully contemplate the images until the answer forms in your mind.

Then ask: What do they most hope for, fear, or expect in this situation?

Turn over the second card and contemplate the images closely, asking for spiritual guidance to discern the information you need. Stay with the images on the card until an answer forms in your mind that feels solid in your heart chakra. Enter your meeting with a deeper grasp of the situation.

Thanks for joining me this week for our trip through the Chrysalis Tarot. See you again.

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Looking for a deeper connection to Spirit? A tarot card reading is your answer. Tarot cards give you a direct connection to Spirit so you receive profound insights into your past, present, and future. Our tarot card psychics interpret Spirit’s messages for you so you know what you’re getting is the unadulterated truth.

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