Art of Life Tarot: September 8-14

Portland Tarot: September 8-14 | California Psychics

The Power of Tarot

We return this week to the Art of Life Tarot by Charlene Livingstone. I’m so glad you can join me for an amble through the energies of the week ahead. Using well known artwork, Charlene Livingstone created this captivating deck and quotes by internationally known thinkers to encapsulate the essence of each card. I have listed her quotes in bold below because they speak to the essence of our next evolutionary step each day.

We are now in the domain of the sign of Virgo and I find it interesting that we pulled two sixes to begin the reading. Virgo is associated with the astrological sixth house. It has the energy of service, health matters, daily work and small domesticated animals. Let’s see what Spirit has to tell us about the energies of this week, culminating with the Full Moon over the weekend.

September 8 – Sunday

Six of Swords

This card speaks to us today of healing and leaving troubles of body, mind, and spirit behind. Simply continue to keep walking, it is saying. A literal journey, break, or vacation may be a good idea. Relief is on its way to us after a struggle. We will find assistance for an escape from something that has been oppressive. Saying “no” opens the doorway for our next “yes!” “For everything you have missed in life, you have gained something else.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson

September 9 – Monday

Six of Pentacles

Generosity will be rewarded today in a different currency. The card depicts “The Good Samaritan” by Phillip Morris. Assisting others with their needs of body or spirit is a deposit in our happiness bank account. The card tells us to help where we can today. A request will be made for our consideration. Answer in the affirmative today. “A Man’s true wealth is the good he does in this world.”- Mohammad

September 10 – Tuesday

Five of Swords

A situation may arise which tempts us to make enemies. It is a bad time to do so. We could only know a victory without peace, at best, in this situation. We should do our best to maintain peace, and if that is impossible, accept that there could be a lack of resolution for the time being. Do nothing to create more tension in an environment or relationship. If we do our best here we will be rewarded by karma. “Sometimes I go about pitying myself, and all the time I am being carried on great winds across the sky.”- Ojibway saying

September 11 – Wednesday

Four of Cups

We’re asked to be flowing and flexible today. It will lead to fun and playfulness if we do so. Seek peaceful time in the country. If we long for lost loves, we can feel our emotions fully and give thanks for the joy of the past. Emotions, fully felt, change into something else and return us to the present. “When the music changes, so should the dance.”– African Proverb

September 12 – Thursday

Eight of Wands

You may receive a message you have waited for faster than you think. The pace of your life is about to speed up. You could take an unexpected trip! Don’t delay in making arrangements if your soul tells you that is what you should do. “Nothing ever is, but all things are becoming. All things are the offspring of flux and motion.”– Plato

September 13 – Friday

Two of Wands

Don’t lose heart today. You can, in fact, change your dreams into reality. You hold more Aces than you know. Although you have gained a lot, you may not be seeing it! You may be holding the world without realizing it. “The first step toward getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.”-J.P. Morgan

September 14 – Saturday

Five of Pentacles

The painting on the card is “In a Café” by Edgar Degas. A man and woman are taking a time-out over drinks and are lost in reflection. It seems to be a moment of truth they are having with themselves and each other. Their attitudes are peaceful and accepting, like something crucial has been faced. Although the mood is melancholy, they are serene. “Resolve to be thyself. And know that he who finds himself loses his misery.”  -Matthew Arnold

A Spread to Try: A One Card spread

Shuffle well and turn the cards facedown. Concentrate intensely on your question. Give yourself a moment to perceive the deeper questions behind the surface of the one that sprang initially to mind.

Take in a deep breath, hold it for five seconds and when you let it out, choose a card. Turn it face up and let it reveal all the secrets of your situation. Sometimes, there can be a whole world in one tarot card!

Consider the literal level, but don’t only consider it. Look at how the imagery brings certain emotions to the surface. They are messages from your inner self and deserve your attention. Continue to meditate on the card until your answer becomes clear.

Clue: The answer will be multidimensional. It may show up later when you go about a routine task, or go for a walk or a drive.

Thanks for joining me today. Remember to be good to yourself and I hope to see you again!

Tarot card readings give you a deeper connection to Spirit. This means you’ll get the unadulterated insights you need about your past, present, and future, but only if you read with a tarot card psychic.

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