Red Responds: She Feels Like a Hermit

Ann in the UK writes:

I am feeling a bit lost on my path at the moment. I feel sometimes like I have become such a hermit – I’ve lost touch with all my old friends. I used to be a very positive person but now I wonder what it is I am gifted at doing. I had hoped to finish and sell some paintings and write a mythical book but I am finding it is harder than I thought to stay motivated or inspired, because I feel so low. I am wondering if it is because I am living at my parents at the moment or if I should try for a different career and get a regular job. I had hoped to move and a make a fresh start this year and maybe that would also lift this mental fog. I am wondering where geographically I could move to and where I would feel inspired and at home. Is it possible that you could help me and tune into my Spiritual Guides to ask what direction geographically I should be heading, or looking in? (I currently live in Central South England.) Will I find the renewed inspiration, a soulmate and friends I need in my life in a new area?

Dear Ann,


There’s a lot of questions in there, none of which have very simple answers. I’ll tell you what I can, but I strongly want to encourage you to call or make an appointment with one of us psychics. While I would love to talk to you, I’m not certain that I’m on when you have the availability to call in. Not to worry, though. There are so many amazing psychics on this line you can simply pick one, or talk to Customer Service for a recommendation. It would be much more helpful to you to call in for an in-depth reading, because you have even more questions than what you’ve written about!


You are at a place where you are questioning everything, while being sure of nothing. Your uncertainties are feeding your insecurities, and it is draining your energy – right along with your self-worth. This is honestly the place you need to start working on healing, and working through some issues, in order to get your passion and sense of self back on track.


Your life has become a bit lonely, but that is to be expected when you more or less sequester yourself. I know you took this path with good intentions and high hopes, but you created a bit of personal imbalance in the process.


You need to take things a step at a time. Small goals add up to achievements, and the more you can achieve, the more you are capable of achieving.


You are at your very core, an artist. That is your gift as well as your curse. You see things differently, feel things differently, and need to have creative outlets in order to keep from becoming overwhelmed. However, being a self-induced hermit has also removed you from much of life and life experiences that give energy to your creative soul.


Work creatively with what you know. These are lost times for you, and there is no reason why you can’t put all of your struggles and fears on canvas. It would be a series, and it would sell. The key is to use this outlet as a release for you, not from the eye of a buyer. Keep it pure.


The simplest thing you can do to start getting back into life and out of the fog would be to work towards moving into a place of your own. Remember that it is small goals that matter now, not the big picture. Why don’t you take on a part-time job? It will ease you back into the working world, back into society with a feeling of purpose, and put you in an arena which you can feel validated at simply being functional and amongst other people. It will also open new avenues to friendships and a social life once again.


When you are ready, you will move into a place of your own, but it does not look like a major geographic transition at this time. It is a small place in which you can live and work, and has a comfortable, homey feel. But, it is only a transitional place, one that you are more likely to rent than to buy.


Later in life, most likely five years or so from now, I do see you in Australia. Your success in the art world makes this transition possible, but you aren’t financially set to the point where you can just live the life of leisure. You will still be painting, and eventually finding time to pursue your writing.


Places, people and objects can be inspiring, but the truest inspiration comes from your soul.


I hope this helps you, at least a little…
Ext. 9226

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