Day in the Life: Psychic Marin

Day in the Life: Psychic Marin | California Psychics

We believe that a better understanding of our psychics can only deepen your connection with them when you call for a reading. In our continuing series, we talk to our psychics about their day-to-day lives. In today’s “Day in the Life,” California Psychics interviews Psychic Marin.

What does a typical day-off look like for you?

A typical day begins with following the circadian rhythms of nature for optimum wellness. This means waking early with the sunrise and starting my day with a hot cup of lemon water and a scoop of raw honey as I sit outside talking to my bees. 

I then begin my “workday” with altar devotional work consisting of prayers and candle lighting for customers and loved ones at 9:00 A.M. sharp. This is also the designated time when I allow for open communication with spirits. Think of it as “open office hours” for the afterlife! This has served me well, as it provides a specific time for communication with spirits, so I am not disrupted throughout the rest of the day or in the wee hours of the morning.

By 11 A.M., I have completed my typical morning routines and am ready to begin the activities for the day or turn my attention to California Psychics to serve my customers.

An ideal day would include a walk on the ocean shore, quiet time with a book, or adventures as a family. I love outings and travel, but as an introvert by nature, I enjoy the rejuvenating qualities of alone time. 

I am a football mom to two boys, and they help keep my feet planted in this reality. My oldest is now a firefighter and my youngest, currently in high school, is preparing for the college grind. I have been married for 20+ years and I’m fortunate to be living the American dream, with a little help from my guides above! 

I try to wind down by 11 P.M. and asleep by midnight, which has been quite a routine change for me over the last decade. I used to be a night owl with a 3 A.M. bedtime, which served my night and international callers well, but over the years my gracefully aging body has changed, and I have adjusted my lifestyle and routine to feel my best.

Whether I am working on the line or taking the day off, my day-to-day routine and activities are very similar. I love my “job” so much so, that work doesn’t ever feel like work. 

How do you relax/clear your mind after being on the line all day?

At the end of every day, I take a ritual, cleansing bath in my 100-year-old claw foot bathtub that is an original feature of our cherished, Victorian-era home. Water is a very important resource for cleansing. As I visualize the water going down the drain, so does the energy accumulation of the day and the residual energies from my interactions with callers. I often include different essential oils and Epsom’s salts. At the bare minimum, I will sit on the edge of my tub and perform a foot bath, but there is always some form of energy clearing before I head to bed that supports me in waking clear and fresh the next morning.

What are the fun things that you like to do in your free time?

I intentionally live a very busy lifestyle. As a child, my parents often said, “Slow down. You’re burning your candle at both ends!” And that pace of life has never changed. Keeping busy gives me a feeling of fulfillment and pride in my many achievements.

Prior to the pandemic, I spent my free time as a roller derby queen. Yep, you read that right! I skate under the name “GypSea” and my position on the team is the jammer, which is the equivalent to being a running back in football. I am the fast skater who breaks through the pack of defending skaters and scores all the points. Covid put a damper on that temporarily, so I have circled back to many other hobbies that have kept me active.

I also love surfing and recently began playing the harp. I have a small musical background, but the harp is like no other instrument I have ever played. Can you imagine the feeling of a huge instrument resting against you and the deep vibration that it produces and sends through your body? It’s no wonder it is the instrument associated with the divine and I feel like I goddess while playing it. This instrument has single-handedly been my source of sanity throughout the pandemic. It is not uncommon for me to have a 3-hour trance-like practice session. I also enjoy painting furniture, encaustic wax painting, and small artsy-crafty restoration projects around the home.

Did you have a completely different career path in your past?

My life path looked very different before joining the California Psychic team 12 years ago. In my early 20’s, I was a professional ballet dancer and simultaneously went to college to study law. I later worked for a law firm and second-chaired trials while (discretely) utilizing my psychic abilities to select the jury. I often felt morally conflicted, and after the birth of my son, I took a year of maternity leave to self-reflect as my heart and head no longer aligned with this field of work. I placed my efforts into offering psychic readings and opened a small office in the heart of our historic downtown. I knew this was my calling. I returned to school and got a masters in metaphysics, and a Ph.D. in parapsychology. It was at this time that I started working for CP, but in reality, my career as a psychic truly began while I was in high school where I gave Tarot readings to friends for fun, and in college, I supplemented my income by offering reading at parties, psychic fairs, and private events.

My abilities were always there, as it is a gift I was born with, but it really became more of a defining career path once I learned to control my abilities. Meaning, that I was able to ask, and consistently receive answers, as opposed to information just randomly coming through. It took tremendous patience and understanding to develop my abilities to this level so I could confidently offer my services professionally. In hindsight, I can now appreciate the way I approached understanding mediumship work because I am often asked to share my experience by customers that have a desire to understand their own abilities.

Tell us an interesting story you think readers would like to learn about you.

Many years ago, I embarked on building a home office. A She-Shed of sorts.  

After getting quotes for pouring a concrete pad and determining the expenses, I realized it would be nearly the same cost to build my dream project, a Gypsy Wagon, so I did! Since this was undertaken far before the resources of the internet, I had to do it the old-fashioned way. I hired an engineer to design it based on my sketches, and then a steel company to cut and roll the steel frame. A trailer company built the custom trailer foundation and my father welded and assembled the entire structure. I sourced and did all the detailed finish work. Even my mother lent her helping hand sewing the interior bedding design. It was about a two-year project, a true labor of love, but I now have my one-of-a-kind “Wisdom Wagon” that serves as my home office and is used for festivals and private events. 

Have you helped a client in a memorable way? 

The most touching and emotional readings are usually those where I serve as a Medium and connect with departed loved ones. One, in particular, was a grieving parent who tragically lost her 6-year-old daughter. She was playing as a mermaid while taking a bath, hit her head, and drowned.  As a water lover myself, I felt very connected to this little girl and the peace I was able to bring to the grieving mother and her family was one of the most precious readings to date and on occasion, she will still visit me as my “Little Mermaid Spirit.” There have been countless readings with the most intricate and validating details, but it’s the readings that you feel in the core of your body, that leave the lasting impressions and make you realize there is a higher power, endless in its ability to assist us in this lifetime.

Some people devote themselves to philanthropic causes, political movements, or environmental awareness. I have chosen to serve the spiritual realm. I help others live to their highest potential with the least amount of suffering, and the most amount of understanding. In doing so, we are positively contributing to the evolution of humanity. 

If you think Psychic Marin sounds interesting, add her to your Psychic Circle and earn extra points toward Karma Rewards®.

Death is not the end of your strong bonds with your loved ones. A psychic medium can connect you to those who have crossed over. During a psychic medium reading, you can share messages, get closure, and so much more.
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