Maximize Spring’s Energy

Maximize Spring's Energy | California Psychics

Spring is in the Air

In spring – the season of new beginnings and brilliant transformations – it’s simply natural for us to look inward at ourselves and make a vow to renew and refresh ourselves. And while this spring has awakened to a world wrapped in stillness, we can still take that spiritual journey that this season beckons us on.

Dig deep into yourself this spring, and bury yourself in the elements around you. Even by staying in place, you can set the tone for your life path – try new things, take up projects you may have dropped, and update your skills. Here are a few ideas on how to do this.

  1. Grow
    The winter can leave us feeling mentally sluggish, but as spring wakes up the world, we can also wake up our minds. If you’ve always wanted to continue your education or learn a specific skill, such as a new language or a trade, sign up for online classes or webinars. You can also take a walk to your local library, or download a library app and find a new book to get lost in for a while once they have reopened.
  2. Bloom
    Refreshing your self-image is important at any time of year. Sometimes though, the new life of spring can give our spirits a lift that was missing and inspire us to take the next vital steps. In today’s hectic world, when we’re subjected to the ever changing news of the COVID-19 pandemic, self-care is an absolute necessity. Taking time to finish some tasks that have been stressing you out, preparing yourself a healthy meal, or soaking in a hot bath, are all ways that you can take care of and feel better about yourself. Meanwhile, if you’ve found it difficult to stay positive in the past, either about the world or yourself, positive affirmations are an easy, effective way to get the ball rolling on a more positive self-image. Place sticky notes on your bathroom mirror with words of encouragement and compliments for yourself. Keep an affirmation deck by your bedside or the coffeemaker and pull a card as part of your morning routine, and when you start to put yourself down, spin it so that your words have a more positive, uplifting tone. These small changes will help you turn your self-image around.
  3. Reconnect
    When you can’t handle being cooped up in the house any longer, wander down to the park and take in the beauty of nature waking up from its long, cold slumber. And if you’re looking for a more energetic activity, you can go on a nature hike or a bike ride–just be sure to maintain social distancing from others doing the same thing for now. Meanwhile, a quieter outdoor activity that will get you as close to nature as possible is to start gardening. Get your hands dirty with soil, plant vegetables, flowers, and herbs that you can use in your home, rituals, or recipes. Learn more about useful flowers and herbs here. Or just plant beautiful flowers that bring you joy. The connection you make with nature during this exercise is what matters, not what you plant.
  4. Recharge
    Making time to be alone with your thoughts in a quiet or inspiring place can help you cut through the mists and veils that cloud your vision on a regular day. Allow yourself the time to visit a place you love to walk and think calmly about the ways in which you can live a better, more enjoyable life. You can also adopt a daily meditation practice to help calm your thoughts at the beginning or end of the day, and help you feel more relaxed as you go about your daily tasks. Even five minutes of quiet a day can make a huge difference.
  5. Flourish
    While we know it’s not possible to do this right now, as we put everything on hold to fight coronavirus, maintaining connections, or developing new ones is vital part of existence. So, once we can meet up again, why not set up dinner with a friend, join a club, or volunteer somewhere? If you’re single, you can focus on developing friendships, as this often opens the doors to meeting other people. You can also take up a new hobby to get your creativity flowing and may introduce you to other enthusiasts, or perhaps even develop into a lucrative side gig for you in the near future. In the meantime, we can all keep our connections alive, and make new ones, through the miracle that is the internet.


Spring is a time when the natural world comes alive again and is filled with new energy and brilliant life. If you slow down and tap into this gentle, revitalizing energy, you may find the that the days ahead are full of promise and hope. Any goals that you set at the beginning of the year will be easier to achieve, and if you take time to reconnect with the earth a little bit each day, you’ll be able to recharge and transform your Spirit.

Want to build a better future? A life path reading with one of our talented life path psychics can tell you where you’re headed. And if you don’t like where you’re headed, your life path psychic can steer you down a better path.

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3 thoughts on “Maximize Spring’s Energy

  1. Pingback: Spring Clean your Soul « An American Point of View

  2. Pingback: 10 Ways To Spring Clean Your Soul | WCHBNewsDetroit - WCHB 1200

  3. Pingback: 10 Ways to Spring Clean Your Soul | California Psychics Blog

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