How Weather Affects Our Moods

Our environments, to varying degrees, always have an effect on us. If we can learn to be more conscious of that, we can be on the lookout for certain environments that have an adverse effect on our well-being. The weather’s impact on mood can be challenging to prove, as most people spend about 93% of their time inside (in industrialized countries such as the United States). This disconnect from the outside world and nature severely lessens the effect of weather on your mood.

Many researchers have conducted studies in order to better understand the link between weather and mood. They have found that about seventy-two degrees is the optimal temperature for optimal mood. As temperature increases or decreases from this number, moods can begin to darken. Moderate warm weather is associated with outside sports, activities, and the feeling of being “alive” and energetic as you soak up the sun’s rays. Through the vitamin D in the rays, sunlight has also been found to boost the level of serotonin in your body. Warm weather has also been linked to higher cognitive and reasoning skills.

Researchers have found a connection between high temperature and violent behavior. At the very least, most people can become cranky and irritable if the weather is too hot. According to several law enforcement agencies, a more severe response to long periods of high temperature has been connected to higher crime rate.

Colder, darker days prove to have a negative effect on mood, especially with prolonged exposure. The feelings of depression and sluggishness can creep up as the day’s thunderstorms and dark skies often instill a sense of oppression. With the cold weather, people are less energetic and potentially more introverted.

Melatonin vs. Serotonin

Chemically speaking, melatonin is released into the body through the pineal gland when the eyes register darkness, aiding with your sleep rhythm. Serotonin is produced and released into the body when the eyes register light, heightening your mood level and alertness. This certainly explains why the darker, stormier days can make you feel tired or sluggish, and why if it’s sunny outside, if you are in a dark room all day, you can feel a lack of energy.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a very real disorder that effects up to 10% of Americans each year during the winter months. This disorder causes depression in the individual when there is less daylight during specific months.

Without the balance of sunlight to counter the night and stormy days, the body’s biological clock, which regulates sleep, mood, and hormones, can become out of sync. Fatigue, depression, and lack of concentration are just a few side effects. In more extreme SAD cases, the person can use light therapy. The person is put in a room with strong ultraviolet fluorescent lights which mimics sunlight, which aids the body’s biological rhythm in rebalancing itself.

Changing the Forecast

Being aware of the effect of weather on your mood will give you the power to keep those cloudy skies in perspective, while reminding you to take advantage of the sunny ones to the fullest extent. Researchers have found that spending thirty minutes in the sun is enough time to improve your mood and rebalance serotonin levels. Allowing yourself a little sunny vacation during those long winter months can be just the biological rejuvenation you need to jump back into things with renewed energy. Not permitting the cloudy days to get you too down is another way to battle the weather blues. Attitude and perspective go a long way towards a healthy body and mind. Appreciating a stormy day for its beauty, and a sky full of charged energy, can be a way to invite the weather, no matter how dark, to affect your mood in a positive way.

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4 thoughts on “How Weather Affects Our Moods

  1. misskrystal

    I am really starting to appreciate the rain….We can change as we get older sometimes as to what our favorite season really is…used to be summer…But now it’s Fall!
    thank you for this very wonderful article.
    miss krystal

  2. Zofeya ext. 5351Zofeya ext. 5351

    Hi Gina Rose,

    I’m the same way! My spirit seems to lift in a great thunderstorm and when it’s cloudy outside. I also love setting the clocks back as it gets darker sooner. I do enjoy some sunshine but in limited doses!


  3. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500


    I agree but I’m the opposite…….I hate sunshine and bright days, and the heat in the summer…..I LOVE overcast days, cloudy days……….fall is my favorite season because of the dimmer light. I also like it right before a storm……and I love dusk at night…..right before the sun is almost completely gone.

    I was watching the movie : Twilight yesterday…. and thought to myself as I watched it….that I really could live in a place such as Forks, Washington…..the cloudy, overcast, foggy and misty climate I would really enjoy.
    I could live up in Alaska too where they have so many days in a row without sunshine.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  4. velvetoversteel

    Another Great article, Alina!! This one is so personally true for me!

    I have to be very careful on cloudy and esp. raining days. Those days can drain the ‘happiness’ right out of me IF I let it. Give me Sunshine and I am all smiles! It’s been a process for me to keep my moods up and possitive and more on an even kilt my entire life. A process that we all can accomplish IF we are aware and realistic of the effects on our moods, attittude and perspectives… and I agree, these things all go a long way towards our all around health… mind, body… just like you pointed out! Wonderfully writen, Alina!

    Thanks for sharing & Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!

    Blessings & Hugs,
    Coreen @ VOS


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