Conquer Your Biggest Fears in 5 Steps

Conquer Your Fears

Facing and Conquering Your Fears

We’re all afraid of something. It could be the dark, never finding love, death, disease, heights or even success. And it’s likely our fears play a huge role in our lives. They hold us back, they keep us from exciting opportunities and personal growth. Let’s make a pact to not let another year go by without facing and conquering our fears. Make 2016 the year you conquer your fears. You can do it in these five, easy steps!

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1. Journal Your Fears

Put your fears down on paper if you aren’t comfortable talking them out with a friend. Write everything you can about them. What are they? How big do they feel? How do they make you feel? How long have you had them? What have they been keeping you from accomplishing? In a perfect world, what would your life be like if you didn’t have these fears? Why do you think you have these fears in the first place? It’s important to explore all aspects of your fears. Get to know them. They’re the enemy, and you can’t conquer an enemy if you know very little about it.

2. Make a Plan

Now that you know the ins and outs of your fears, it’s time to make your plan of attack. Conquering a fear is like any other goal—it seems less overwhelming if you take small steps to achieve the desired outcome. Think about what you can do day-to-day. Think about small, actionable tasks that will get you closer to a more fearless life. Make a list and work towards completing a step every day. Every completed task will build your confidence.

3. Think About the Day After

When you hit a roadblock (and chances are, you will), it’s easy to give up and retreat. Don’t do that. Instead, think about the day after you reach your goal of conquering your fears. What is that going to feel like for you? Amazing! Liberating! Enlightening! Empowering! Those are the feelings you need to focus on.

4. Get Some Help

You don’t have to conquer your fears alone if you don’t want to. Enlist the help of friends, family, coworkers or a partner—whoever you think would provide a good support system. They’ll also hold you accountable. And chances are they have have some fears of their own they’d like to conquer. You can help support them along their journey, while they work to support you!

5. Take a Small Step

Your fears are huge and significant, so they won’t be conquered in a day, week, month or maybe even a year. That’s okay. Take some pressure off yourself and just focus on making a small change. Just take one small step towards conquering your fears in 2016. And if it feels good, keep going.

Here’s to a new, fearless you in 2016!

One thought on “Conquer Your Biggest Fears in 5 Steps

  1. Sudhakar

    Hai dear,

    I have lost millions believing girls, as I am divorced since 10 yearsand wanted to get married to an understanding girl. Inspite of being intelligent above average and very careful, I always fall in this pit. Now it self I feel like committing suicide for my huge mistakes. My biggest fear is that I will fall in this trap again and again. How to overcome this. It is killing me day by day, the thought that I am the biggest fool in the world.

    Thanks and take care.


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