Book Recommendations by Sign

Spring Reads to Soothe Your Soul and Spirit

Looking for a stimulating read as spring approaches? Something to enhance your self-confidence, clarify your direction and give you the impetus to get there (wherever there happens to be)? Check out these recommendations for soul-searching according to the stars…

Earth Signs

If any signs fall victim to getting stuck or being stubborn, it’s Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. After all, Earth Signs are all practical and logical. That said, being so rooted in routine can lead to monotony, boredom or stagnancy. Taking the Leap (Freeing Ourselves of Old Habits and Fears) by Pema Chödron offers practical tips for overcoming our own patterns of destruction and doubt. It will help ensure that grounded Earth Signs (and anyone for that matter) don’t find their feet so firmly planted on over-trodden soil that they can’t conquer their fears of flying.

Water Signs

Probing the depths is the name of the game for Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. For water signs seeking out lasting catharsis worthy of continuous contemplation then, look no further than The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. This “New Age” classic aims to guide readers to their truest, deepest selves by helping them to live completely in the present. By uncovering our own roles as creators in our lives, Tolle reveals to us how it’s possible to connect to the essence of our individual beings liberated from thought, and instead fueled by passion… a Water Sign’s dream, realized.

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle is an excellent source for inspiration when you feel down or you feel your life is out of control.” – Chloe ext. 9421

Fire Signs

On-the-go Fire Signs Leo, Sag and Aries can’t just think about change or meditate on existence, they need an action plan for manifesting the lives of their dreams. Follow Your Passion, Find Your Power by Bob Doyle is just that plan – a unique take on the Law of Attraction will help you get results in your life by doing what you love. That doesn’t just mean professionally or personally, but spiritually as well. By learning to trust in your soul’s desire (and ability!) to contribute to the world, Fire Signs (and other curious readers) will ignite a spark that fans the flames of their own individual bliss!

Air Signs

If Air Signs (or anyone for that matter) aren’t familiar with Esther and Jerry Hicks (who channel the messages of a non physical entity known as Abraham), it’s time to dive in head first. The Hicks’ book Ask and It Is Given teaches us the importance of our minds in our lives. Translation? That your thoughts create your experience. For Aquarius, Gemini and Libra there is no greater lesson – and none more transformative. If you’re looking to channel the positive by harnessing the power of your own mind to change your reality, then this one is for you!

“Astrology brings so much to the table, it gives you the personality, likes and dislikes of a person. Their nature is uncovered and if it is not a match for you, it can be worked around to make it work.” – Quinn ext. 5484

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One thought on “Book Recommendations by Sign

  1. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Journey of Souls by Michael Newton PhD

    I make this book required reading when I’m training a budding psychic……it goes into detail about Karma in general, your Guides and their purpose, and soul connections…I recommend this book for ALL signs.

    and,… it is the ONLY book, I’ve read to date, that even comes close to what I experienced crossing over twice.


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